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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. Not gonna lie. I actually laughed and got a kick out of Raptor's Pugsy. ._.

  2. [7:15:31 PM] esterlen: 'I-I have priapism'

  3. I am being harrassed.

  4. I am being harrassed.

  5. gONNA host a RP Bris once im unbane... Does anyone wanna attend, maybe a mohel???

  6. Remove gRonKK please.

  7. R. Lotheranica, Beggin_Alex, Royim, Cracerjacer, Tony F., Lord Prince Meleas of Malinor, Lord of The Nords Soren 1, el_bishop, AiiNus, B.M Phartz, Beggin_Bill

  8. Have you ever read through something and just wanted to hit someone via sweary text, but can't, because you view yourself as friendly?

  9. People F. Tarus, Protector and President of the United Oren Emirates

  10. People F. Tarus, Protector and President of the United Oren Emirates

  11. Elven city name suggestions.

  12. Any cosplayers here? I'm trying to recreate this gem for Gemucon 2014 in July and I have no idea how I'm going to do it - http://mywickedarmor.com/costumes/revan/revan.htm

  13. Meet me at Grub's tavern

  14. Stay oppressed my Elven counterparts. Glory to Kaedrin.

  15. GM Sky's character Myith, being his.. special self; http://imgur.com/y2peBP9

  16. email to rubeaner: hello i am going to betray from oren, my plot is coming into place and i am the master plotter and of unlocking, please respond asap and defect with me. thankYou, john f. de rosaen

  17. Did you ever wanted to rule the seas? Did you ever wanted to go on a sailing adventure, discover new lands and mysteries? Did you ever wanted to catch all those bloody pirates for the sake of the crown? Did you ever wanted to be a pirate and become the scourge of the seas?

  18. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the smallest nation by land area upon arrival in Asulon?

  19. email to esterlen: hail, i made you a skin http://i.imgur.com/8oDC2Ta.png

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