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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. chris metzan rambles on man, yalla

  2. To be perfectly honest, I, flat out, can't find any roleplay. Playing casually is impossible on this server.

  3. Kais why are you looking at Justin Bieber again!!!!

  4. Cracking down on bread bandits #corruptplayerbase

  5. don't listen to everblue he works for the corporations man

  6. Wow such forums

  7. I see a whole army of my community, here, in defiance of tyranny. What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?

  8. Who owns dat Old sexy Ard Kerrack (White rose fort)?

  9. Mog as admin again would be good, but give me Availer or give me death!

  10. Skinny twiggy but my stick long, short twiggy but my stick tall. :3

  11. This is for Asulon Humans, name this location: http://i.imgur.com/mHg7EnT.png

  12. http://gyazo.com/bb5b7ba9a85fc06c3d15027f26404b12 what is this image. Even if it's real it looks very photoshopped
  13. Did someone just remove Esterlen's Status update?

  14. Anybody out there who could set me up with a beautiful skin?

  15. Anybody out there who could set me up with a beautiful skin?

  16. Anybody out there who could set me up with a beautiful skin?

  17. ave the new and true king of herendul

  18. "The Carrions are half-brained retards" Sounds fair.

  19. If dead elderwood has no special properties, why is there a sign saying the elven gate is made out of it? That gate is not a tree...

  20. Have YOU considered letting out lord and saviour Yemekar into your life?

  21. Wait guys, you know how Horen was the father of all humans? Does that mean he was king of a nation of his sons? And how did his wife Whoren exist if he was the only human?

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