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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. /HA/.
  2. Looks like Julia's out.

  3. Why can't we settle wars with chess? I'd love to see Mog playing chess!

  4. Doha/Qatar here I come be back on sat/mon :)

  5. It would appear I will lack internet until July 10th or 17th :\

  6. Fireworks made for Horen, Chivay, Toov, Blackmont, Valois, Stafyr... uhh... Hightower, Silverblade...I think that's all. They're nice, IMHO. Hopefully they'll be a nice addition to Lulu's ball.

  7. Fireworks made for Horen, Chivay, Toov, Blackmont, Valois, Stafyr... uhh... Hightower, Silverblade...I think that's all. They're nice, IMHO. Hopefully they'll be a nice addition to Lulu's ball.

  8. In Sovi- modern day Russia, gays... don't exist. Apparently.

  9. Today, I learned that Iceland is the reason for the low-pressure regions that usually ruin our sunny European weather. Dear America, please make Iceland disappear with your lazors and nukes

  10. For the night is dark and full of terrors.

  11. just had the best RP with my buddy kais ishikawa

  12. we liberal democrats are sorry

  13. http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/158/f/1/silverblade___charles_silverblade_by_demonessie-d687vgp.png Thanks everyone who came to watch the livestream! Here's Charles Silverblade's children and him C= The colors came out a bit wonky but I still like it.
  14. RIP Blackmont, I wonder whose next

  15. Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom?

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