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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. I don't even?

  2. The Red Wedding literally made my nips hard.

  3. Why can't huge kingdoms like Oren just split in two then kill themselves from the inside out.... it worked with Rome!

  4. I think I might try siding with the Blackmonts soon. I feel like i'm only getting half the story in most things.

  5. I think I can speak on behalf of all readers of the ASOIAF books when I say this: "Bwahahahahahahahahaha!"

  6. Unnecessary abortion is unnecessary.

  7. Dontcha hate it when someone leaks skype chats?

  8. If you're going to write a death post and put it on the forums, I feel like it should be a permadeath. Because deaths don't matter if they're not perma.

  9. If you're going to write a death post and put it on the forums, I feel like it should be a permadeath. Because deaths don't matter if they're not perma.

  10. 6 times as many Haelun'or elves are online as Malinor elves... Muahahahaha... Racist domination 5% complete!

  11. I don't see why people think the teutons lost. The battle was for land- and now they've nothing to hold it with.

  12. Anyone know what a "Mali'laurir" is?

  13. My own strike report made me finally hit 100 upvotes. Oh, the irony.

  14. Why do people like flying kicks so much? Do you know how hard it is to jump in chainmail, let alone full plate armour? It's just one of my pet peeves.

  15. Watch out Teutons. White Rose is coming to bring democracy to your country.

  16. The WR and High Elves should make a subreddit. You have heard of first world problems, I present to you "Racist role player problems".

  17. Maly flushed me down the toilet, prepare for some report bro -________-

  18. People really are right when they say the OOC conflict on LOTC has escalated. At this point it reminds me of a high school with teenage cliques throwing insults and immature jabs at each other. Can we just get along, please?

  19. There's one thing I learned. That LOTC can change people. One person I knew from a year ago turned from the nicest. sweetest player, into a mean, vindictive, distrustful player. Her and many people formed into those types. It really makes me sad.

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