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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. i dreamed... of loads of sexy men... was a good dream yesh

  2. 1453, never forget.

  3. Anyone excited for 4.0 yet?

  4. Damn. If only Lorin and Tanith were princesses, you could say I won the...Triple Crown.

  5. I got so much money that Oren is mad

  6. Currently in negotiations for land. Hope it works out

  7. There is no shame in leaving, and there is no shame in coming back. The only shame....is pulling a (insert name of serious offender of Lotc Here)-y.

  8. we liberal democrats are sorry

  9. tupac aliv in western saloon real strong wizard kill all the bandit with piano magic

  10. -poof- wus goin on guise.

  11. Hmm... I like this analogy. The Ascended bear a striking resemblance to Boxer from Animal Farm.

  12. Oh the debate of if it is a good idea to register Kalenz on the antagonist thread... Oh the debate.

  13. I play LotC to roleplay. Not to compete in the popularity contest.

  14. Siegmund Carrion for Holy Emperor, from now to the ends of time.

  15. You could bottle high elven TS and sell it... It is hilarious to listen to.

  16. You could bottle high elven TS and sell it... It is hilarious to listen to.

  17. "I don't sound like TotalBiscuit, he sounds like me!" -Mithradites, 8 may, 2013

  18. I'm going to get started writing magic lore for something really cool. It's called foxfire magic. It's a combination of fire and illusion, and you get to shapeshift into a fox! Unfortunately, I don't know how to write good lore.

  19. Esterlen, dat song O.O

  20. Dwarven rebels/seperatists, send me a PM. I has plan.

  21. Ugh... I can smell you all from here.

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