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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. I'm just going to draw my characters hugging their love interests til the end of time. Okay? Okay.

  2. I think I might want the character name limit back. Some people are walking around with OBNOXIOUSLY LONG names. Like...names that take up full lines of text. Not okay.

  3. My sisters stole my Sour Patches :O

  4. All hail William IV!

  5. What's with all this German in RP I'm seeing...?

  6. Boiendl is curious why Panda only uses 3rd person. Boiendl finds it annoying to read at times

  7. Chumpchump, I expect you to do your best to be at every conflict with the Antagonists on Toveah. I want me a fat antagonist to fight :P

  8. Everyone needs to go thank Chaqery for his amazing antagonist lore right now, okay? Do it. Do it now.

  9. Quit for good.

  10. Apart from the rare handful, I haven't spoken to anybody LotC related in a long time, I get a random message from Zarsies saying the DB mentioned me on Skype..My instant thought was "WHAT DID MY CHARACTER DO WITHOUT ME...".

  11. Hightower children can have some nasty fights, trust me.

  12. #UnbanRocketHaul2013

  13. The high elves. http://i.imgur.com/2GZuEeo.png Bet you can't tell which is me.

  14. remove southeron! southeron stink oren sqhipere shqipare

  15. http://gyazo.com/bd43dad0359d205f3de57f232c9c4c16 Tythus is biased against the Liberal Democrats.
  16. I hate this time of the day/night. Like 5-9ish CST is the worst. No one is online. Nothing is happening. Aussies are going to bed. UKers are not waking up yet. ITS HORRIBLE

  17. I had a great year and a half as Sala.

  18. #CommonwealthSwag

  19. Shout out to Brandon Mustard, (LeRenardNoir) LotC player of the year and overall great guy.

  20. I am almost scared to get on the server...Why must people tell me of the chaos that happens the night prior?

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