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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. Now prisoner 24601, your time is up and your paroles begun. You know what that means.

  2. -banned by Freema-

  3. So, on my route home there's a pond with a small island in the middle. I saw two geese making a nest there, it made me happy. ^-^

  4. 5th Richest man on the Server, Richest noble in Oren and I'm being a smug **** about it

  5. Cyndikate's Pro-tip of the day: If you find yourself disrupted by IC things. Solve it in RP and not whine OOCly.

  6. Cyndikate's Pro-tip of the day: If you find yourself disrupted by IC things. Solve it in RP and not whine OOCly.

  7. To all those complaining about the White Rose base: There's an alternate road that Braxis built. You don't HAVE to take our road.

  8. Just noticed something that doesn't affect this server whatsoever, about 70% of the rp women/girls in this server have red hair.

  9. People signing up for LotC... The word Khel in elven is not an adjective... Stop using it as an adjective.

  10. People signing up for LotC... The word Khel in elven is not an adjective... Stop using it as an adjective.

  11. "I'm a cannibal. A thief. A murderer. A lesbian. A witch. And yet here I sit chatting with a guard of Oren about it over a drink." ~Glaewen, on the effectiveness of Oren law enforcement

  12. good night people i hate

  13. Is there actually a place to mine CURRENTLY, I know that there are plans to create an ore world, linking servers but is there a place at the moment?

  14. Is it a good idea for Mayumi to make a food stand... Sure she is a good cook, but her understandings of ethical meats..

  15. Is it a good idea for Mayumi to make a food stand... Sure she is a good cook, but her understandings of ethical meats..

  16. Casually got my child character playing dolls with the Grand Chamberlain and a knight.

  17. Raptor gave me a warning for fun #fmpowertrip #abuse #baelhelpmeouthere

  18. I love 3.0, but I ask two thing. 1.) fast travels, place is so big it's hard to go from spawn to place A 2.) get rid of terrible mob spawns

  19. bosnian infidel SERBIA STRONG

  20. Haters, they hate.

  21. My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Silvio Berlusconi. Hope he wins the election.

  22. Tyranny of Emperor Godfrey :3

  23. hmm... who is making a town in 3.0?

  24. I will kill you all....slowly

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