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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. And So is the Golden City blackened With each step you take in my Hall. Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting. You have brought Sin to Heaven And doom upon all the world.

  2. I've made a personal vow that one day I will emmigrate to Australia.

  3. I like to see someone try and take your life and you cant do anyhting about it. What would you think then? Abortion will always be a terrible thing to do to any human being.

  4. Lost all inspiration to write anything within a matter of seconds.

  5. I think the first thing I'll do is find the Human nation, buy a small house and start saying wise comments as people pass by. What's the first thing you'll do?

  6. Left alone in a hole for an hour :\

  7. Dont forget everyone~ its red rose day ICly! give your loved onces or friends a nice red rose!

  8. You see these fists mobs? Huh, you do? I cut through fully grown trees with my fists alone, do you really want to mess?

  9. As the armies of LoTC all start to prepare item frame based weaponry

  10. Panda is planning on bringing a character on LOTC- the likes of which this sever has never seen.. This character will bring so much role play to the masses, and she is going to need to write her VA now!! Panda is already excited and very few might know her ... Mayumi Takamori.

  11. Blue Elves are the coolest kind of Elf :3

  12. Say my naaaaaaame, as every colour illuminates. We are shinnnnning, and we will never be afraid again

  13. Bringing Back Eowyn.

  14. Kalenz just gave away Elene Silverblade's house pretending to be a Prince of Malinor... Oh the chaos which will follow.

  15. Brothel RP: Good or bad?

  16. Some GMs just want to see the world burn.

  17. My character's dream home would be a massive plantation with a big house and fields for miles.

  18. Here's my plan. I'm going to get to a good ranking in LoTC, then try to bring the Mori back. As in, I'll run them. And it won't be a disaster. It'll be fun. :D

  19. Oh for the love of god.

  20. Polgrath infiltrates the White Rose?

  21. It is times like these that I wish you all knew how much my tongue bleeds from me biting down on it to not respond with laughter and disappointment at people crying over a video game... Come on, sympathize with my tongue, it's cut in half at this point :(

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