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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. Forums....*twitch*....

  2. walked into my mother in law who lives with me, dead. been horrible for my lady and myself. been broke to peaces. so if you haven't haread from me, its becaseu if this. later guise

  3. Well, it's settled, some Oren lot yesterday attacked Blundermore once too many times. Time to write a VA... >=D

  4. #NerfWhiteRoses2013 (I'm sers.)

  5. Silly roses, what they don't realize, is that Malinor has a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. I.e. Mages.

  6. I have a confession to make... As a White Rose, I d indeed, have an OOC hatred for black people, which translates to me victimizing Dark Elves IC.

  7. #nerf WR especially that corrupt GM pol s. I heard he rps a pedophile racist homophobe and spawns in amorr for his men

  8. When I can make a constructive argument, I think that means your doing it wrong.

  9. Raptor is corpulent

  10. Im boxxy, im depressed, everyone hates me. ban me

  11. I scared my dad so much that he hit me. Cool.

  12. Oh boy, more posts about what's wrong with the server.

  13. Toov/Tanith - My OTP.

  14. http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/5288/16392680.png The new symbol of the Order of the five wizards as done by Elindor
  15. Toov/Tanith - My OTP.

  16. I feel like the freaking savior of malinor

  17. I'm going to form an Order of the Blue Rose, dedicated to killing the Order of the Red Rose.

  18. Unlike the wussy VAT, AT can read colors other than blue.

  19. Unlike the wussy VAT, AT can read colors other than blue.

  20. Have I ever told anyone I love playing an evil character?

  21. -sigh- 3.0 will be mega Oren like 2.0 then, yes?

  22. Gotta love those Politically correct people

  23. The guy who made War Z made Big Rigs! 0_0

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