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Status Replies posted by Esterlen

  1. Could someone explain the difference between "intimate rp" and ***********ing?

  2. >Dusk admits that the screenshots are real and innappropriate. >Apology is good enough for an admin to get off scott free.

  3. And the brave and valiant Samurai have been gunned down by the Gatling guns.

  4. Democracy works well in Turkey.

  5. If a normal player made those emotes they would have been banned in the blink oc a eye, yet if a admin dose it the GMs have a " Group Discussion "?

  6. Help me out, LOTC. I need ugly girl's names, stat.

  7. Why does no one like Humans beating the elves up?

  8. im thinking of my race

  9. People who play WoW. Make a brand new Orc ion moon guard and rp with me

  10. Hm. Thinking about joining the White Roses/groovy TS parteh.

  11. What do ropes and Dark Elves have in common?

  12. What are the pros and cons of AC3?

  13. What are the pros and cons of AC3?

  14. I don't want Kharajyr to be removed. That would ruin the fun of -genocide- :3

  15. Come to me my child. Confess your sins.

  16. Kill a mage, go to confession.

  17. I didn't actually participate in the raid. I just wanted to fit in and say I was :( I'm not very popular

  18. Any status or comment relevant to the recent conflict, that is even faintly flamey will receive a warning. No questions asked whatsoever.

  19. I am so glad that raid happened, 10k minas in goods, and killed a bunch of people. Haven't pvp'd in awhile. NOW THIS IS WHAT LOTC IS ABOUT!

  20. I don't think I like people much.

  21. If you are going to act cocky in RP you should HAVE to have a VA. I am so tired of cocky and arrogant players getting away with that attitude. No one likes them, they are borderline villains.


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