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ACanadianCraft (Nate)

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Everything posted by ACanadianCraft (Nate)

  1. So... much... deleted comment...

  2. The hardest part of making skins for other people is... letting them go.

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
    2. Nug


      xxx~*...like dis if u cry evry time...~*xxx

    3. WuHanXianShi14


      *sniff* they render so fast...

  3. My girlfriend is making me Grilled Cheese. My sister is making me Eggs. I think I win! :)

  4. The end is nigh,

    1. DelaneyG


      oh yeh? Issat so?

    2. gingernut97


      That's nice, honey.

  5. #LoTC-Censorship2013

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DelaneyG


      he wasn't really all that vulgar.

      But he called it, eh?

      Got locked just as someone left...

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      I may have been a tad vulgar. But I was also correct on all levels and in all fields.

    4. Idiot14yearoldminecraftplayer


      pls dont say rude word baby play dis server :^(

  6. I have mamma mia stuck in my head! Oh god, someone please help me!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Norman


      * hangs Nate a gun with one bullet *

    3. DelaneyG



      Mama Mia! Here we go again! My my, how could I-i let you go-oh!

    4. ACanadianCraft (Nate)
  7. In a world were everyone is normal! A man fights against the stereotype of having a Fork-****! This summer, Tom Cruise is... Fork-****!

    1. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      These bleeps/sensors are really starting to piss me off..

  8. No. The server didn't crash. We all just lagged out at the SAME DAMN TIME! :/

  9. Minecraft Name: ACanadianCraft Applicant Name: Mason Owynson Race and Age: Human, roaming these lands for 22 years. What position are you applying for? (Librarian, Maven, Inventor, Analyst, Phrenal): I will be applying for a position as an Analyst. List any experience you have had with matters regarding that Department: None whatsoever Describe the reason for your interest in that position (>5 sentences): Where I grew up in Oren, knowledge was not readily accessible to peasantry such as myself. Striving to achieve anything above your station was discouraged, and any hopeful embers were hastily snuffed. Those below the nobility were oppressed to a great extent. Although this may seem like a sob story, do not mistaken me for a rebel. I hold no ill will toward Oren, or its governing system. It is just that I have moved away from my families home in Schattenburg and made my new home in Riven, a more liberal place to live. With this change of scenery, I may now be able to look into things that I would not have had I remained in my families home. I simply posses a thirst from knowledge on all subjects. A desire to go out and discover. By applying, should you be accepted you are expected to utterly adhere to the Common Clauses. Do you understand this?: I understand completely.
  10. YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!! *Votes anyway*

    1. Timmeh!


      get on skype plz.

  11. Today is my favourite day!

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      The streets shall flow with maple syrup and poutine.

  12. Whoever is in charge of the Eden Family's things, PM me. I found your family sword on the side of the road.

    1. Ever


      Talk to 'legoman315' That's his sword ^^

    2. NomadGaia


      Thanks Craft

  13. I just beat a halfling to death with the hilt of a knife...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      -Gestures to the dissected parts of a harpy that could literally kill you with a scream- "...Still pales in comparison from the slayer of a mighty halfling."

    3. Shadeleaf


      *gestures to...* Yea I win.

    4. Nug


      he beat me up and stole my lunch money

  14. “Splash!” Jullius dropped off of Salvus’ walls into the river below, disrupting its peaceful southbound flow. He swam feverishly to the river’s edge, hardly pausing to take a breath and strenuously pulled himself ashore. He collapsed on the riverbank panting heavily, running over the in his head the events that had just transpired. Jullius had strolled idly through Salvus’ northern gates when he had spotted Ser Ocran. “If any one of you touches me you’ll be court marshalled!” he shouted, his voice piercing the air. Jullius immediately changed course, striding over to Ser Ocran, who appeared to be arguing with Lancel Horen-Hightower. “Ser Ocran. Do you require any assistance?” “No Jullius. I’ll solve this on my own.” “So be it. Let me know if you need any help. I won’t be far.” The Salvus Shields movements were shifty to say the least. When Lancel and Ser Ocran moved toward the palace to speak privately Jullius quickly gave pursuit, worried for Joseph’s wellbeing. Upon their arrival in the palace, Lancel and Joseph disappeared into the upper levels of the keep, leaving Jullius to stand in the foyer. However, their trek into the palace had not ceased The Shields suspicious movements. Occasionally they would look in his direction, and then look back to their fellow soldiers wordlessly. They were definitely up to something. Jullius furrowed his brow, glowering at them in an attempt to intimidate them, despite being both unarmed and without armour or reinforcements. Suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he saw The Shields Lord Commander stride toward him, nodding to one of his subordinates who fell into step behind him. Jullius turned on is heel and made a break for the exit, sprinting full tilt from the keep and out of the palace. Given that he was traveling much lighter then the Shields, he was able to outrun them in moments. However, their efforts to pursue were half hearted at best. He ran down the street for a short time before ducking into an alleyway. He slipped a blank piece of parchment out of his coat, and slid it into an envelope. He cringed as a patrol of Shields marched past. He heard their Lord Commander shout “Close down the city! Let no one in our out! Execute any Roses that you see!” Terror flooded through Jullius’ body, causing his head to spin momentarily. It was as he had feared. The Shields were locking down the city and hunting down any White Roses in the city to by hung. He poked his head out of the alley, looking toward the palace, where he had last seen Joseph “He’s already dead...” Jullius cursed, striding out of the alleyway, and calling down his bird. Before long, he was joined by a magnificent red Cardinal. He quickly tied the blank letter to its leg and looked about. A Shield was approaching him from behind, just as he had anticipated. He released his Cardinal into the air, letter attached to it leg. He turned about to face The Shield. The sight of the bird taking flight with the letter seemed not to have deterred him. The Shield reared back his blade, swinging ferociously toward his neck. He leaped backward and almost lost his footing, continuing to recoil from the lone Shield at a reasonable pace. “Wait! Listen!” “Shut up and accept your fate Rose!” “That bird I just sent will arrive shortly at The White Rose Headquarters Ard Kerrack. If I don’t make it out of here alive, you and all of your little Shield pas are all severely fucked, you hear? They’ll arrive in full force, and The Shields won’t be able to handle a retaliation from them.” The Shield growled and his advance stopped. “Hurry up and get out of the city then.” Jullius didn’t hang around for further conversation or questioning. He swiftly climbed up to the roves, and made his way over the wall and out of the city. Jullius pushed himself up from the riverbank, continuing to pant heavily. Now was not the time to rest. Senior Command had to be informed. He rose to his feet and continued his on his way, running away from Salvus and toward Kaedrin. “Salvus dogs!” Jullius thought. He had barely escaped with his life leaving Joseph at the mercy of Salvus’ forces, but he had survived. And he would be damned if he let Salvus get away with this.
  15. Real life. Why do you take up all of my internet time?

    1. JtPv


      I've been asking that question for years

    2. meg


      Internet. Why do you take up so much of my real life time?

  16. Why does he Fact Core know so many useless facts?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Silevon



    3. Nworb Mas

      Nworb Mas

      ^^^^don't lick his bum hole pls u mug

    4. JackABeano


      nate pls, sam was ryt!

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