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About Blundermore

  • Rank
    Wizard Of Peace
  • Birthday 03/01/1990

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    Using my Palanthir Computer

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    The Wizard Blundermore

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  1. Hmm... trying to think of things I could sell to make a little bit of coin in RP. I was thinking Herbal Remidies and the such... although I do not know if people would bother to by those in RP. Perhaps doctors might buy them? Apart from that... I dunno how I would feel about wh*ring out my magic to others like that. Doesn't seem quite right.

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    2. Blundermore


      I know of the book you're talking about, I just wanted to make a joke about werecats :p

    3. Blundermore


      I mean... If I was allowed to sell healing potions without the community of the pvp crowd going nuts over it I would but magic has always been extremely restricted on this server in terms of what you can actually gain from it, even before the mat started.

      So custards and Herbal Medicines and remidies.

    4. Blundermore


      Any other ideas?

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