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About Blundermore

  • Rank
    Wizard Of Peace
  • Birthday 03/01/1990

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    Using my Palanthir Computer

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  • Character Name
    The Wizard Blundermore

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  1. Trying to find someone who draws characters to help me out getting a picture sorted for my character sheet when I finally post it...

    1. blindmind


      If you can't find someone here, I believe you can find help at r/characterdrawing at Reddit

    2. Blundermore


      I'd rather stay away from getting professional services in to help, Unforunately me and My character both share a common aspect when it comes to money in that we're both utterly scint.

    3. blindmind


      I don't think you'd need to pay. I've seen plenty of free jobs... maybe it was a different subreddit

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