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Status Updates posted by Blundermore

  1. oh dear I have 911 rep...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrandNewKitten


      Deal with it Bashar. It's cool!

    3. Gunner


      "yes my rep is fantastic I love it"

    4. Blundermore


      9/11 the infamous day Americans keep reminding us of.

  2. ok seriously? you lot are doing the whole bible and god thing over pvp? you do realise how disrespectful that is and how much that could upset someone. I'm all for pvp but this whole douchy attitude going around the pro pvp players is really not helping nor is it helping to disprove the stereotype that pvpers are jerks... knock it off guys.

  3. only the community can solve the problems with our server. Only you can make things better.

    1. Baconthief


      Not you though, you're the problem

    2. gam



      so enlightenment

      much inteligent

      such suggestion

    3. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Blundermore, you never figured to me to be the Smokey the Bear type!

  4. pretty cool song, apparently the lyrics that go with it is about Europe's history, but the instrumental version is much better

  5. ptah gave me a new avatar today. shame I don't know how to play the game lol.

  6. Repeat after me, Mmmph mmmph mmph-I'M DEAD

  7. Right then, off to bed. Going to work tomorrow, cya all then, if you need me, contact me via Forum PMs.

    1. Supremacy


      -PMs Blunder asking what temperature to cook a roast duck at.-

  8. Rule number one when talking to a wizard, Your first words are never teach me magic. Rule number Two, don't say "I really wanted to learn fire magic" to a fire evocationist and then instantly go up and say "I've always wanted to learn Air evocation". Rule number three, don't flipping meta game the description. M'kay? M'kay...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Trade me! *Trade request sended* Wait

    3. Blundermore



      I feel like people complain a lot about this... But I get it can get frustrating.

      One or two people are not difficult.

      Come back after 269 separate requests, that's when it becomes frustrating.

    4. Yoff


      magic missile!

  9. Server is down until tech team can be contacted...

  10. Should I screw a dolphin...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      no but really... I have a dolphin painting that my sister gave to me... should I put it up? hmm...

    3. CloakandDagger


      Depends of you screw it in left or right.

    4. Robin Drake
  11. sneak peak at the new model I shall be painting up with some new techniques that I learnt from my last foray into painting which I now consider more of a test paint. http://imgur.com/U5JwP8d,YjI4z1z

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      I'm going to enjoy painting Brandle Birchstaff, he is generally "large" for a 28mm heroic scale model, which means I can do a lot more detail in a smaller area.

    3. Blundermore


      This, is a reaper miniatures product, part of the Dark Heaven range of miniatures specifically made for DnD and all that jaz, I saw him whilst I was looking for ideas on how to make my own wizard and I fell in love with the character model so much so that I had to pick him up. He's a great sculpt. http://cdn.miniaturemarket.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/3/5/3505_1.jpg

    4. The Hedge Knight

      The Hedge Knight

      Glad to see someone else who paints miniatures. I got into it at a fairly young age because my dad would order dragons to paint and I thought it was the coolest thing. Good luck!

  12. So apparently I'm a gay Asian that should go die... Right then...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      i agree with my colleague kabob

    3. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      *Agrees with Raptor also.

    4. Salamandra


      I think someone was talking about Ambros :(

  13. so both me and mogroka share the same birthdays, crazy right? no.it's sad. not because we share abirthday but because we share it with Justin Bieber of all people...

    1. ShameJax



    2. monkeypoacher


      "as long as you love me, I'll be your oren, I'll be your renatus, I'll be your orcs"

  14. So it turns out that not only do I, Gauis and Mogroka share the same Birthday, but we are also all 23 today. I wonder if anyone else is 23 today...

    1. Jay Lenos

      Jay Lenos

      I turn 24 today

    2. TwilightWolf


      That's crazy! But happy birthday to all of you!

  15. So... I'm a ghost now... http://i.imgur.com/MlqDOP5.png

    1. Blundermore
    2. ToenailTickler


      No mo' Magic 4 u

    3. Waverly Antoinette

      Waverly Antoinette

      Maybe it's to express Blundermore's inner pain of feeling lost and emotionless at times

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blundermore


      Unfortunately the Assignment at the moment means I have to stay relatively close to the source material's body shape which seems to be some really filled out little girl (the character is suppose to be ten) causing her to look pretty fat when put in clothes that don't really follow the form as well as skin tight spandex. After it is over however I shall be able to go back and change her form as I wish. I do however get free reign on designing how she looks.

    3. Kim


      oh okay that's awkward I was about to say baby got back but it's a 10 year old girl and that's awk.

    4. Blundermore
  16. Spurring on the lore team to vote on lore...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blundermore


      Quote: "Vote or a small kitten will die.

      From cleets

      Worn by a very fat man

      Who wears kitten fur for a coat.

      Every day you do not vote many more kittens die.


      You can stop this..."

      : End Quote

    3. Devin~
    4. Slic3man


      Record it then post it in the LM chat.

  17. Started building my towers... Urgh... I am going to need so much stone and wood... wouldn't mind some help.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Blundermore


      A single enchanted Item should be worth the amount of materials needed right?

    3. Raptorious
    4. BrandNewKitten


      Sell your soul to Oren. I am sure they would build your towers if you became the court mage...

  18. Started up my new magic team blog... just jotting down my "to do list", probable actions to be taken and some... issues to resolve

  19. Stronghold Crusader 2 is going to be out in a couple of months! Cannot wait to see one of the games of the games from my childhood get a sequel.

    1. Blundermore


      Whoops, I stopped typing that halfway through before continuing lol, anyways the Wolf is back!

    2. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      1v1 me when it comes out.

    3. Blundermore


      After I defeat my childhood villain the wolf!

  20. Students of lotc: BEHOLD YOUR PATRON DEITY: http://i.imgur.com/IeiB5W4.jpg

    1. MamaBearJade
    2. Gemmylou


      This is the best thing ever. Yes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moot



    3. Gwonam_Blaze



    4. Lee Scorsby

      Lee Scorsby


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