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Status Updates posted by Blundermore

  1. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/99028-magic-addition-to-alteration-silencing-spell feedback is appreciated, also looking for ideas for a fair system to replace ooc concent if you're willing to take a crack at that mine field
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGXZ3jOa4PI So yeah... this is an average advert in Britain...
  3. jokes on Franky Boil. "Unlikely things to hear at Wimbledon"
    1. Blundermore


      (Andy Murray is Scottish)

    2. Agnub


      Frankie Boyle is great. Shame he's not on Mock the Week anymore.

  4. Pretty much Dark Souls in a nutshell :P
    1. Stevie


      whats dark shills?

    2. knightly11 | lotc_fox

      knightly11 | lotc_fox

      dork souls 2 isnt a good hard like dark souls 1, its a cheap kill you with my unfair tracking hard.

  5. very interesting to watch!
    1. Blundermore


      oh also fail box announced.
  6. Why is it night time?
    1. Dtrik


      It's not, it is day time.

  7. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/145377-matters-of-the-arcane

    Final call for this, after today no more letters shall be sent out.

  8. Hey ET could we bring this creature back? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blundermore


      Whelp LM's then silly! :p Would like to see I think was it Heero? Probably was, playing it again or someone else. Whomever. 

    3. Dizzy771


      Heero was playing it, yea, but he's perma banned now. Gotta find someone else.

    4. TeaLulu


      The character belongs to Tsuyose, there's no finding anyone else.

  9. "... ,it started long ago in a land I'm afraid is now forgotten by the passage of time. Far to the west of Al'khazar..." 

    1. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      "So far west you had to walk for, like, a half an hour."

  10. "... Battlemage fire had broken his oaths to our brotherhood, in his lust for power of the dark arts he offered us up as sacrifice to the dark masters of the North, the Undead."

    1. KarmaDelta


      I feel like this is code for something.

  11. "... over the sea and further still to a place few ventured, the Battlemage's keep."


  12. "...and for a while, it was the closest thing I considered to a home. I had even come to call my peers of the Battlemages brother too before long, in the brighter days, before the darkness, before the death."

  13. "Humble beginnings brought me here, after awaking upon the shores of Aegis all those years ago..."

  14. "I'm sorry but your wizard is in another tower!"

  15. "T'was wizards and Gods who shaped the fates of so many in the future, alas however few remain who remember those times."

  16. "The monsters of the north and their servants fell upon our home in the night, and before I knew it my brothers had been dragged down."

  17. "Why do I build towers you ask? Well now, that is an interesting tale..." 

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