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Status Updates posted by Blundermore

  1. Do you need to make a Relic Application for any sort of Enchanted Item made by your character or can you still make enchanted items regardless unless you want it to have special effects that exist outside what the norm of that magic does? 


    For example if I wanted to enchant an item so that it would take on the attributes of wind evocation and those effects only would I need a MART for that. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. z3m0s


      What Yuln said is correct.

    3. meg


      MARTs are only required if their affects go outside the boundaries of the lore/red lines for the magic. Any normal enchantments don't require official documentation like that. SO generally "special effects that exist outside what the norm of that magic does" would be mart, but a normal wind evocation enchantment would not be. Hope that helps.

    4. HurferDurfer1


      what they said

  2. Even being gone for over half a year doesn't stop the metagamers lol...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tom_Whiteman


      Apparently I'm a shade because I have bags under my eyes.

    3. excited


      Apparently I'm a Blood Mage because I have 'the complexion' ayyy lmao. 

    4. Blundermore


      I'm wise and knowledgeable in magic because I'm an old man. Apparently anyways according to every person who ever talks to me lol


  3. Fast travelling to Courland to see ((Reported for Pugsy!)) the moment I step off the carriage just as the server restarts.

  4. Finished writing the In RP Phoenix guide.


    1. AlphaMoist


      Have they all been found 

    2. Blundermore


      Not that I know of. 

  5. For anyone who missed it: 


  6. How are things... haven't looked on here in a long while. Also I realise now that I never did get Aether status on the forums. Not that it matters too much now

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sorcerio


      2 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

      server is at war


      we just updated to 1.14.4


    3. Blundermore


      3 hours ago, Telanir said:

      What a wonderful surprise to see you around again Blundermore! Sure I’ll set you up with that Aether rank that you’re supposed to have, strange… anyway I hope you are doing well. You’re always welcome back in here. ?

      I haven’t really been able to come on the server due to events that happened in game really, and I just don’t have the drive to start a new character once he’s gone, if he’s gone... though the staff seem hell bent on making sure he stays gone. 



    4. MadOne


      Still waiting on some mysterious thing to dawn on me that ur wizard said would happen...

  7. How do you set your profile picture to a gift again? Also any chance of having my forum rank changed back to my diamond vip pex please?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KBR


      Just put the gif in if you have it downloaded, if it isn't too large it should work. 

    3. Jistuma


      There should be a guide on how to do that somewhere in the guide section.

    4. Sythan



      That's for large profile pics and works for normal gifs as well. But if you want the perfect loop for a normal gif, try uploading it to imgur or a site, or use the original source URL for it. I find it sometimes doesn't work and I'm required to 'Save for Web' in photoshop. 




      If you run into any problems, shoot me a PM or add me on skype. sythanz


      I can fix it up for you.

  8. I believe I prefer this avatar over the jokey one from before. Really gets me into the mood of building towers next map.

  9. I don't suppose you could help me out on a project I'm working on, I just need people to answer a very simple stawpoll question. The Question is out of the options presented which do you think gives the most aesthetically pleasing surface result. Forget about the colours or the texturing or any of that thing because that doesn't matter at all, all that matters is which surface looks the best out of those listed. If you want you could also send me private messages answering why in more depth you think something looks particularly good compared to the others as that would help as well. 

    Links have been provided below for both the strawpoll and the options presented:


    Option 1: https://i.gyazo.com/24116f16a513004ae5a91ee01edc5d37.png

    Option 2: https://i.gyazo.com/48d67012c084c0cec99b2c2abd57c44f.png

    Option 3: https://i.gyazo.com/1484390873e4ee9ef2ee97d0454401e5.jpg

  10. I mean... technically Islam has been in the server since the near beginning of the server, or borrowed heavily from.

    Iblees for example is a direct reference to Iblīs, or the Devil if translated. Whom mingled with Angels (Anguels in our lore) Up until the point he defied the word of God to Bow before Adam. At which point God cast Iblees/Iblīs/The Devil down into Hell where he would rule for Eternity. 

    Iblees similarly was not content with the idea that the Anguels and Daemons must give up their rights in order to become merely servant to the races and the cosmic workings of the universe. Choosing to walk among the Mortals instead corrupting them to his command until finally Krug turned around and told him he wasn't interested. At which point Iblees revealed his true form, enraged he conducted the 30 year Mythic war of the First Era resulting in God himself coming down with an Army of Angeuls and Daemons and cast Iblees down into the Nether where he would rule for all eternity. 

    Sounds familiar doesn't it? When compared to Islamic and Christian Theology (which bare remarkable resemblance, but makes sense given they were conceived in the same region almost).

    It's alright to borrow from real world religions, so long as you treat the source material with respect for what it is regardless of your personal beliefs. 

    1. Kvasir


      yea Availer was muslim, no?

      It would be no surprise for him to want to respect his own religion

  11. I need an FM or GM with forum pex

    1. Josh3738


      What du ye need?

    2. Blundermore


      check pms


  12. It's interesting that we're not even allowed to defend ourselves anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  47 more
    2. Blundermore


      It's the first thing they learn pess. Things have changed quite a bit since you were in the order. 

    3. Nolan_


      Honestly, this didn't need to be brought to the forums. Blundermore you knew a status like this would only bring strife. It's absolutely unnecessary and should just be removed. If you've problems then bring it up with the staff team in question. Don't make comments on the statuses, nobody wants to get involved in this god awful drama. - Tsu

      I'll be locking this now.

    4. James


      If you have an issue with me, or something involving me you can pm me Pess. You don't need to argue on status's for 50 comments. What I did wasn't lorebreaking the Ascended, it was a miscommunication between Tsuyose and I. If you have any problems in the future, you can private message myself instead of blowing up on the forums. Have a wonderful day. 

  13. It's my birthday today. I think I'll take the day off from 3D modelling for a change. 


    always difficult celebrating a wizard's birthday.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Blundermore


      I've been modelling using 3DSmax. Specifically I've been working with the historical societies of London ww1 and Ypres town to recreate the original cathedral of St Martins that was destroyed during ww1. The plans along with most pictures of the cathedral was lost meaning there is very little to go on and most don't even know what it looked like prior to having to be rebuilt after ww1. It leaves me with very little free time whilst studying towards my degree but hopefully if it's good enough it might become a staple exhibit in Ypres. 

    3. RandomTraveller


      I use 3Ds Max too, Arrimus 3D is teaching me haha.

      Nice to see a fellow 3Ds Max user.

    4. StevenQuick


      Very late but happy belated  Blundermore! You might not know me but I've known about you since Asulon and have always loved your character and the way you acted. I hope your birthday was great and here's to many more.

  14. Less than 4 hours from announcement and this happens.

    1. Kvasir


      announcement for what?

    2. Trinn


      Those things existed long before this, friend......

    3. Jonificus


      Yeah, I've been shitting out named items for people for ages

  15. Phoenix Book was completed yesterday 


    1. Archipelego


      now if only i could find a damn phoenix

  16. Posted this late last night but The_Mystery_man’s voidal tear event was really fun! can’t wait to read his writeup of it. 


  17. So many memories... why I remember the time I turned into a spider monster whilst building my Floating Tower http://i.imgur.com/d3bfe29.png

  18. This is the first Christmas LOTC is without one of my tower builds. Always built them on the night before Christmas. 

  19. "Blundermore": Reag "Blundermore": server is down "Blundermore": *kicks him whilst he is lying on the floor sleeping "(╯°□°)╯︵ bɐǝɹ": i know "(╯°□°)╯︵ bɐǝɹ": working on it "Blundermore": lol "Blundermore": DDOS? "Blundermore": Or is it just plugins being nasty ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blundermore


      There's your answer

    3. Knightei


      Thank you. This is most helpful.

    4. Amorphbutt


      Blundermore, I R IS JEALOUS about your Avatar, have you watched the vid?

  20. - preparing for lore writing again...-

    1. Blundermore


      I'ma commin' for ya bloodmages... I'm gettin' ye du'n ta day!

    2. Aislin


      Looking forward to it.

  21. "Apples and grapes" -Jontron

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Swgrclan


      I've always preferred him over Dan.

    3. Joe_Blackman


      Barry's the best.

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      Blundye, i stalking yu.

  22. "I never asked for this."

  23. "Myths never truly die"

    1. ausbrig renegade
    2. Joe_Blackman


      I read that as "Memes never truly die". I'm sorry.

    3. Geo


      Anything dies if you stick it hard enough

  24. "Question." "What's your question, soldier" "I have teleported bread."

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