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About Goliath

  • Rank
    Dat Cannibalistic FM
  • Birthday 05/27/1997

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    Great Britain

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  • Character Name
    Goliath Orman

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  1. Okay, LotC. I'm going to have a break from this. I'll regularly do my job on the forums with pride, but as for IG, I give up. I cannot take immaturity, blatant disrespect to others, GMs and constant rule breaking which goes unnoticed. Some people here need a reread of the rules and to not be greedy to the extend of other player facing anguish.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kanrath


      Stacks and stacks of dirt have been replaced, as well as the inner alcoves of torches covered by leaves have been finished, and right now I am working on purchasing/making bookshelves to finish some of the holes.

    3. Goliath


      Talk to Goliath IC. Your making OOC discussions OOCly go toward what happens IC. Your character cannot enter the library as the only door there is bolted by yours truly.

    4. Kanrath


      There are other ways in, I just leave them covered by dirt so people don't fall in nor mobs wander in.

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