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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. OK, I actually really like the Xbox One my dad bought.

  2. *Waits for inevitable BR*

  3. I'm reallllyyyy tempted to join Lotc again

  4. ******* dwarven guys are such meta gamers its unreal

  5. So, when is MPM going to be back on the server?

  6. oh jesus-shiftnative- please change the server back to rp default combat. Please! I will sacrifice my pigs to you!

  7. My week-long DayZ character just got KoS sniped P:

  8. Five hours worth of homework done in an hour. I'm such a procrastinator.

  9. The high school I went to is abbreviated MMU (Mount Mansfield Union). People keep calling it Mickey Mouse University D:

  10. canada vs USA in Olympic semi finals...bring it murica

  11. Put the server back up for god sakes Im more pissed off at the staff than the messagers.

  12. I want the White Rose to be a thing again.

  13. no one will review my ts ban appale and now i am sad


  15. Is one allowed to roleplay as a ghost?

  16. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/106310-patch-38-2-death-heads-and-flurs/ If none of you are actualy aware of it, now would be the time to go read up on the new patch.
  17. If this warclaim were to take land, the Elves would be ruled by Orcs the second the Orcs walked in.

  18. Did the test server whitelist get reset?

  19. Did the test server whitelist get reset?

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