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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Lots of good games coming out this year. I have never had so many games I'm excited for. Hopefully they live up to their hype. 2013 seemed like a crappy gaming year!

  2. When do Orcs normally get on?

  3. I'm back. :)

  4. Lotc's down T.T

  5. Got trolled into buying a mc account with a dumb name :L

  6. After 6 months I am unbanned.. LETS SEE HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED!

  7. Elder Scrolls online sent me another Beta invite that I cannot participate in. Man they like torturing me XD

  8. U'm curious, what are all the perma-bannable offenses?

  9. I wish people liked gambling RP as much as they liked combat RP.

  10. An admin should make a post reminding everyone of the pvp-default rules, and when pvp should be initiated. More than half of the people that I get into combat with still can't comprehend the rule, and people need to be updated about it.

  11. An admin should make a post reminding everyone of the pvp-default rules, and when pvp should be initiated. More than half of the people that I get into combat with still can't comprehend the rule, and people need to be updated about it.

  12. I'm curious: What kinda of "Holy Creature" do you guys think LOTC might benefit from? A peaceful one that goes around spreading joy? Or a holy-fire-guy-cleric that helps bolster the fight against the antags? And do you think that the thing chosen should be more exclusive to great RPers? or open, and easily joinable by anyone?

  13. I have a question for you guys. What are your thoughts on evil characters?

  14. There really aren't any other roleplay servers

  15. How does one not be edgy?

  16. "Hi Hunter! Say... Do you... HUNT! HAHAHAHA" Man that joke gets old X.X

  17. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What was the first form of Fast Travel?

  18. Do you think PVP default has been around for so long to the point where people are PVPing more often than actually attempting to Roleplay?

  19. Hmm... According to the internet, if I want to play Bioshock 2, I have to downgrade my mac, since they won't update the game (Crashes) D:

  20. If you could go forward in time to any point, but you could never go back, what year would you choose in the future?

  21. "OOC lying is a bannable offense." - ww2buff99

  22. I will be taking an indefinite hiatus to focus on studies and limit distractions. This does not mean I will never return here, but that I will be gone for a couple months at the least. I will not be logging in or checking skype, but I will occasionally check the forums, so if you want to contact me send me a forum message.

  23. I never realized how fun it is playing outdated sports game. I have just as much fun playing Madden 06 as I do Madden 25 lol.

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