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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. If someone who asked you out, told you that he/she has knight's armor in their house and they like to wear it sometimes, would you date them?

  2. You know items = Rp, right? You can't lead an army if you can't supply armor. You can't be rich if you don't have minas and gold.

  3. Aannndd these past couple of weeks get worse and worse

  4. You know items = Rp, right? You can't lead an army if you can't supply armor. You can't be rich if you don't have minas and gold.

  5. You know items = Rp, right? You can't lead an army if you can't supply armor. You can't be rich if you don't have minas and gold.

  6. Killed Adam_Barnett he used no drop to save his iron items not to sound like an item hungry player but it does defeat much of the purpose of killing someone.

  7. Skyrim + Guilty Crown = Amazing game. Assassins Creed + Naruto = ... What others...

  8. So, is the map change supposed to happen within the next two to three months?

  9. I think I've seen enough Sims, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, and really any game that has had a long history for the next... Forever. I want originality! Anyone got something good? Not something I've seen 1000 times.

  10. I think I've seen enough Sims, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Halo, and really any game that has had a long history for the next... Forever. I want originality! Anyone got something good? Not something I've seen 1000 times.

  11. I've been punching alot of people lately.. Don't worry though. Its how I show affection.

  12. Does MT actually do anything but fly around "Filming"

  13. So my cat is sleeping in my room tonight. Somehow, it got on my top bunk without my help.... WAT

  14. This server has to much hate. Why can't people just get along?

  15. Are you a kha or a wolf person? - in LOTC terms

  16. Today got very very crappy... Very very quickly...

  17. I hope the White Rose returning is a joke D:

  18. I'm loving this snow elf Rp! Haha

  19. If your character had a favorite TV show, what would it be?

  20. Where the hell did my post go I was waiting for a reply from a GM

  21. Transitional map while we wait for 4.0 or stay in Anthos? We could do a minecraft generated world if desired, let me know !

  22. Lol, people dismissing an entire RP post because of one incorrect word.

  23. Science or Magic?

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