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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Science or Magic?

  2. Science or Magic?

  3. Hi! What's your name?

  4. Maybe Edgy is used by those that don't have the creativity and therefore are jealous of Edgies. :D

  5. I find more and more to certain people, 'Edgy' means anything not Hyper realistic and CKII or GOT.. >:[

  6. Algebra II honours. I think.....yes.

  7. ESO will have a subscription fee... I don't think it will be worth it.

  8. ESO will have a subscription fee... I don't think it will be worth it.

  9. I will never post a ban report. I will never post a ban report. I will never post a ban report.

  10. Moral of the Story: Liches get mad when you touch their flower gardens.

  11. Edgy must no longer remain ooc! IT MUST BECOME A LEGIT RP CURSEWORD!

  12. Moral of the Story: Liches get mad when you touch their flower gardens.

  13. The most popular song in my iTunes Library has been played 372 times. Is that normal? lol

  14. So I dropped a quarter and it rolled around my chair 3 times. On a carpet. It's an awesome quarter.

  15. Fish are friends, not food.

  16. Apparently, Pokemon is totally evil.
  17. Cappy's been on my profile...Ohgodamiintroubledonthurtme

  18. Just my luck that Total Tophat is removed a few days before I get it

  19. You can take my tophat, but you can never take my FREEEEEDOM

  20. I can't even take a nap without people raiding me @.@

  21. Do we know how Snowshovel is doing?

  22. Happy new years. Hopefully this year was better than last

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