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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Happy new years. Hopefully this year was better than last

  2. Everybody is like Happy New Year I is like its only 8

  3. Is anyone else a fan of The Twilight Zone or The Dark Side show?

  4. i was banned on ts for unknown reasons

  5. Has this always been an every day thing? I remember a time when this did not happen every single day. What happened?

  6. There's 120 people on, and no one in Malinor or Abresi, not even spawn. Where to go for RP

  7. What would you say to your class daily as a teacher?

  8. break my rp immersion and i break u

  9. If someone insults me directly, it's fine. If I respond, I get banned.

  10. Having an opinion is better than not having one at all. You need to make decisions at some point in your life. Having what it takes to express an opinion is a valuable thing. You can learn from it as well.

  11. People are too butthurt these days. Get over it.

  12. All these silly threads about removing forum section and these people who call other people names. When was this server a super liberal American high school bent on making sure children live in a perfect world, sheltered from harm?

  13. "Actions speak louder than words"

  14. *clears throat and gets down on one knee, popping open a small box revealing a glorious diamond ring.* "Freya, will you marry me?"

  15. I was on the forums judging some thing for Zane and then I decided to post a status. Yaaaaaaay.

  16. anybody know how to replace an old graphics card to play 1.7.2?

  17. omg, i got a ban report!

  18. How about we remove all villainous actions for a week?

  19. Leaving Threads are the most pointless thing. I understand it for staff, but aside from staff, it's pointless. People will notice you are gone if they care :/ I mean it doesn't hurt to make one, but it's pointless to say goodbye to people who don't know who you even are as a player.

  20. Leaving Threads are the most pointless thing. I understand it for staff, but aside from staff, it's pointless. People will notice you are gone if they care :/ I mean it doesn't hurt to make one, but it's pointless to say goodbye to people who don't know who you even are as a player.

  21. Leaving Threads are the most pointless thing. I understand it for staff, but aside from staff, it's pointless. People will notice you are gone if they care :/ I mean it doesn't hurt to make one, but it's pointless to say goodbye to people who don't know who you even are as a player.

  22. Merry Christmas! And God bless you all!

  23. je suis un ananas

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