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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Quick, someone give me a good steam game to buy!

  2. Quick, someone give me a good steam game to buy!

  3. When getting into arguments about the server with someone, always remember to try to respect the other person if they are speaking for what they think is best.

  4. Ever and Sporadic are the same person

  5. Bah! That's it! I'm gone! If I keep dredging up old memories, I'll return, and that would be bad for myself and ny other Dwarves. So, I'm gone oncemore! Should any need to contact me, for any reason, merely look up Dwarftastic on Steam. Fare thee well, LOTC!

  6. "You can't say trolling doesn't advance society, each day, we find a new way to rustle each others jimmies" - Anonymous

  7. RP fights are bad when one party is forced. PvP default actually improves the quality of RP fights, because that way nobody is forced into them and only consensual RP fights occur.

  8. RP fights are bad when one party is forced. PvP default actually improves the quality of RP fights, because that way nobody is forced into them and only consensual RP fights occur.

  9. I find the LOTC forums extremely depressing and full of arguing. I actually wonder if anyone plays the game anymore or if we're just stuck in an endless loop of complaining when we could just be playing.

  10. Friend was accepted! Hoo-RAH.

  11. Everyone is taking a break ._. What hell. I'm going to sound like an ******* but does no one know how to juggle life and gaming?

  12. D: I won't fly again!

  13. Rules are created to protect the server, and players inside it. I hope GMs do not forget that part especially.

  14. Rules are created to protect the server, and players inside it. I hope GMs do not forget that part especially.

  15. >ban reports get answered in 5 minutes >ban appeal takes 5 weeks #lotclogic

  16. >ban reports get answered in 5 minutes >ban appeal takes 5 weeks #lotclogic

  17. GMs can see our private messages ;-;

  18. Why is Rhia being considered Tyrannic..?

  19. *gets a friend on server, friend reads stuff on forums, friend dislikes server.*

  20. What day do you predict a good fortune will come for me? (Specific date)

  21. I just want to say this now before I forget again. If your friend is banned it is HIS/HER responsibility to be unbanned. I have never seen someone get a friend unbanned by complaining. If that happens, then shouldn't mine be unbanned too? They knew what they were doing, and they were being irresponsible. My stance is even stronger when it comes to perm bans

  22. *gets a friend on server, friend reads stuff on forums, friend dislikes server.*

  23. If your character was put into a Pokemon episode, what pokemon would your character have?

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