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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Announcement: all players whitelisted BEFORE October 2011 are unwhitelisted and need to re-apply using our new format to meet standards. /dewhitelist -all[preOCT11] command entered. (y)

  2. Announcement: all players whitelisted BEFORE October 2011 are unwhitelisted and need to re-apply using our new format to meet standards. /dewhitelist -all[preOCT11] command entered. (y)

  3. Announcement: all players whitelisted BEFORE October 2011 are unwhitelisted and need to re-apply using our new format to meet standards. /dewhitelist -all[preOCT11] command entered. (y)

  4. I just hope "moving forward" doesn't mean "moving in the PvP-default path".

  5. What would you say is one thing you should never say during your date with someone?

  6. ok lads let's stop with the new maps we missed our chance at being good ok we missed it

  7. ok lads let's stop with the new maps we missed our chance at being good ok we missed it

  8. It really makes me disappointed when someone would rather just have their character killed quickly then enslaved or something...enslaved is a lot better RP and everything! D;

  9. Can't possibly text chat in Omegle without getting asked: "Male or Female? location, and age please"

  10. We better have a legitimate reason to move to 4.0land. As far as I see, there's no impending danger on Anthos that gives us cause to leave.

  11. Does anyone know how many people actually /play/ on LotC?

  12. Does anyone know how many people actually /play/ on LotC?

  13. Taking over the world one person at a time.

  14. In skype, the true nature of people come out....Whether you are a scum-bag...or not a scum-bag.

  15. I won the footrace but nobody else finished the race. Must've been a lot of noRP killing.

  16. I won the footrace but nobody else finished the race. Must've been a lot of noRP killing.

  17. No one gets the whole reason why the 2nd Amendment was put into place -_ -

  18. There's been a sudden increase of sex offences in Seattle lately... What the hell is wrong with this world?

  19. No one gets the whole reason why the 2nd Amendment was put into place -_ -

  20. Cmon folks, support the muskets!

  21. There's been a sudden increase of sex offences in Seattle lately... What the hell is wrong with this world?

  22. What is the most common perma ban that occurs?

  23. Anyone wanna abduct a 6 year old dark elf girl with a taste for flesh? Anyone want a slave? :3

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