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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Titania's kidnappings are starting to get as frequen as Indelwhen's now



  4. NO I WENT OVER 1000 :'(

  5. Surgery isn't nearly as fun as it sounds.

  6. Two years later...

  7. Two years later...

  8. A new biome coming. Am I the only one who looks at this biome, thinking it looks like a cookie dough ice cream mixed with a hot fudge sunday with a touch of biome in it?

  9. A new biome coming. Am I the only one who looks at this biome, thinking it looks like a cookie dough ice cream mixed with a hot fudge sunday with a touch of biome in it?

  10. Apparently, there are phone call services that you can hire to call your Girlfriend, or boyfriend and break up with them FOR you. I'm not sure if they would handle that well.

  11. hngg, need more RPG elementssss, need more minecraft in our minecraft server!

  12. Why do I still have two warnings from nearly 2 years ago? Most people's get removed after like a couple months.

  13. A white hole? What is a white hole?

  14. Alright. I have an alt in mind. Is Kralta Russian? Or Ruska? Or both?

  15. Can someone give me a new body? This one is broke...

  16. I'm curious, does the staff have a plan for any temp maps in-between Anthos and 4.0?

  17. So whats our plan for having multiple characters one one account when nexus professions come out?

  18. Post your MC name on this status! ^^

  19. How was your day?

  20. So basically... Now isn't a great time to travel America?

  21. >Goes to make a brownie. >Step 1) get 2 eggs. 3) egg rolls off counter and explodes on floor. -_-

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