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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Paste the following in google translator, and hit the voice button pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkkkk bschk

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SKIPPY!!!! cappy is not invite to the party though

  3. Paste the following in google translator, and hit the voice button pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkkkk bschk

  4. Judging by the fact I'm lip sinking what is love and staring at my ceiling, I think bed time is coming quick ._.

  5. To any of you who do not know this, please consider it: When a sequel to a game comes out, it NEVER necessarily means that it was better than the one before it. Even if the developers say it is.

  6. Is it just me... or is the forum messed up right now? The colors and pictures are void right now...

  7. I would rather people tell me what I am doing wrong that talk behind my back. I have no problems doing it to you, why cant you do the same for me?

  8. I would rather people tell me what I am doing wrong that talk behind my back. I have no problems doing it to you, why cant you do the same for me?

  9. If you turn someone into candy and eat them, is that still considered murder?

  10. If you turn someone into candy and eat them, is that still considered murder?

  11. 4.0 should be a much much much larger map, with the outsides the wilds, and the RP aspect bunched together in the middle. Like Aegis.

  12. Thinking about a 4.0 worldpaint livestream tonight maybe!

  13. Alright probably getting cut off from everything for the night. Family stuff sucks and don't miss me too much

  14. i cant connect to server, says "Connection Refused" ;( it no likes me no more

  15. i cant connect to server, says "Connection Refused" ;( it no likes me no more

  16. I don't understand why people like prison servers. I find them so incredibly boring

  17. How many of you made first characters who had the same hair color as you?

  18. Dat moment when heavy pikemen somehow run down your light missile cavalry O_o

  19. ...I want to go on my orc but my Blah sucks...I'll wait for warlord to come on...idk Orc's still scare me even though I'm one of them?

  20. Childish... Simply childish...


  22. Childish... Simply childish...

  23. Childish... Simply childish...

  24. Childish... Simply childish...

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