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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. So... dissapointing

  2. Maybe I don't have a sense of humor, but I really don't find Portal 2 funny (DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNN)

  3. You're all my loyal minions now, right? RIGHT?!

  4. Well. Guys. Some players in Lord of the Craft has glasses and monocles and spectacles. Well. Giving a hint here. I believe i anybody starts a optometrist or a shop for such things. They would earn a lot.

  5. Imagine that you were born with a health bar above your head all the time. A gift... Or a curse?

  6. sooo.... much... lag...

  7. 1997 posts :/ So close.......


  9. Are enchanted items allowed to be in possession by a player?

  10. Are enchanted items allowed to be in possession by a player?

  11. my birthday is tomorrow, it's on a Saturday, and I have to go to work because of someone else's screw up X.X

  12. I'm gonna play D&D online. Is it any good?

  13. I'm gonna play D&D online. Is it any good?

  14. Would you rather have an army of sheep led by a lion, or an army of lions led by a sheep? (leader: weak army: strong? OR Leader: Strong army: weak)

  15. Say "No" to drugs, and "Yes" to Pizza

  16. Say "No" to drugs, and "Yes" to Pizza

  17. I need a game till Elder Scrolls or boot camp comes around, ideas?

  18. Khel has failed at being a parent P:

  19. If you turn a dollar bill sideways, and look at the "E" in "ONE", you can see the Triforce from Legend of Zelda. It must mean something!...

  20. I am about to get a song stuck in your head

  21. yay! survived being poisoned again, almost being sold into slavery, and having my pants half cut off!

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