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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010 #unbanayresalex2010

  2. How is it that sometimes there are 150 people online, and yet, everywhere I go it seems to be s ghost town?

  3. Where exactly is the Elven mine?

  4. What is one candy that you cannot stand?

  5. What is one candy that you cannot stand?

  6. Names are always the hardest part of any character...

  7. I'm just a big f***ing ray of rp sunshine arnt I? ^-^

  8. Why is autno shop being taken down?

  9. @ Malinor y cant u handle rp

  10. So, Malinor gets the temporary OOC-Ceasefire, but can still take hostile actions on us? Yeeeeeaaaaaaahhh, no.

  11. You have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people. What say you in your defense?

  12. Posted in the Show Yourself thread. yay.

  13. People are celebrating Margaret Thatcher's death by throwing parties - what has this world come to, absolutely disgusting.

  14. I understand that death in LOTC is not a big deal since you go to CT, then your character is fine, but I sometimes feel like this attitude moves onto people's characters too. It bothers me, but should it?

  15. Panda takes a notebook, and kills any one she wishes to kill? Awesome !

  16. 17 kills. Good day ;)

  17. 17 kills. Good day ;)

  18. I am being nagged at to get guild wars 2. Now the question is, should I?

  19. I am being nagged at to get guild wars 2. Now the question is, should I?

  20. I hope that LordOfTheCrash leaves and that LordOfTheCraft returns!

  21. It is apparently true that more people have died in the halo games than real people have in real life on Earth.

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