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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. I have just purchased SimCity 4 because screw that new one.

  2. Good idea: Feeding your guinea pig. Bad idea: feeding your guinea pig hyper active celestial rat poison. It makes them explode several times each in different colors of acid.

  3. Hey guys I'm back and better than ever!

  4. *points to avatar* Let those who are in a same sex relationship have the same rights as the rest of us! They have the right to be married as they choose!

  5. You guys need yolo in your lives.

  6. http://gyazo.com/4bafa1879e3f652cb226e69139cb1521 Guess what this is. ( BESIDES IT BE PART OF WHAT PANDA IS DRAWING. )
  7. ... That moment you realize you have a paper due tommorow and you've already been typing lore for roughly 2 hours... <_>

  8. If you want to update to 1.5.1 to make mods work you can, the server still works, just go to options on the login screen, then click force update, click okay, then login. SUCCESS!

  9. If you want to update to 1.5.1 to make mods work you can, the server still works, just go to options on the login screen, then click force update, click okay, then login. SUCCESS!

  10. Have my new Profile Picture...Time to get some new things...

  11. Did we all get kicked, or was I banned for something?

  12. u wnt 2 tussle brah?

  13. Ugh... My I don't feel good in the stomach... Maybe pizza will help *Slowly lifts it to his mouth

  14. Ugh... My I don't feel good in the stomach... Maybe pizza will help *Slowly lifts it to his mouth

  15. Ugh... My I don't feel good in the stomach... Maybe pizza will help *Slowly lifts it to his mouth

  16. Would it be unreasonable for a character to be very flexible, and amazing at dodging attacks with the sacrifice of having very slow comeback attacks?

  17. I want Mount & Blade. I want Chivalry, and they are not for mac -_-

  18. Heeeyy peoplez, Angel's found a possible new rp home :D

  19. I can use saplings in furnaces :O

  20. and then suddenly i felt sick... great :I

  21. Did the servers just crash...?

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