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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Wait... What'd Mason do? D:

  2. Farwell Lotc...I will miss you...-packs bags-

  3. Anyone else trouble connecting ?

  4. I got whitelisted late last night, while I was asleep, after 12 hours of waiting....And now, fresh faced and bushy tailed, I attempt to login to the server...And it's crashed...*twitch*

  5. Still down?

  6. Is one allowed to kill someone by accident without a VA?

  7. Is one allowed to kill someone by accident without a VA?

  8. It is now really quiet... What is everyone doing? Feels like the server is deserted

  9. Can't wait to play this!!

  10. You know, what if the Roses built forts on both the Salvus Roads and Malinor, and made everyone pay taxes to pass?

  11. First driver's ed lesson, if you don't hear from me I probably have died from boredom. :(

  12. What the heck is the "trying to keep players from breaking 4th wall" Supposed to mean?

  13. Can't wait to buy my enlarger for my soon to be darkroom :)

  14. Panda's tip of the day : A mountain of peanut butter sound like a good idea at first, but all it serves is a good place to hide the bodies of smurfs.

  15. Time to start plannign 4.0 lul

  16. Well, there's a benefit to living in Russia.

  17. Well, there's a benefit to living in Russia.

  18. Sims Medieval +Sims 3= Ultimate RP experience

  19. Go to bed! It's late!

  20. Release the Kraken!

  21. I need to move the head of my skin onto another skin. Anyone know how to do that? I would love to know

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