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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. I need to move the head of my skin onto another skin. Anyone know how to do that? I would love to know

  2. Can we post a MINOR VA even if we don't have a VA for a character..?

  3. Can we post a MINOR VA even if we don't have a VA for a character..?

  4. Tell me we have a backup...

  5. OKAY NOW, I finally am able to get on 3.0 and get it for 5 seconds before it crashes and now I cannot get on at all.

  6. Bad server.. Stop. BAD. NO.. STOP CRASHING!

  7. Am I the only one who can't get on the server?

  8. I am still under review :) Atleast it's not yet a no.

  9. Who can get the most defined 'pi' without looking it up? I can only go to 3.1415 ..

  10. Losing is fun guys. You should try it.

  11. Headache, skype is silent, Creepypasta time.

  12. What is the most amount of diamond that you have ever died with? I think I have lost 10 at most :)

  13. Me: Yay, time to play LOTC. Teachers: Haha have 5 hours of homework. :(

  14. Lord of the craft has not seemed this boring in a while... Panda is sorry if she sounds whiny!

  15. Have not seen any hostile mob. Are there any?

  16. Have not seen any hostile mob. Are there any?

  17. Any interesting fact about the area you live in. This can be about your town/state/country/whatever.


  19. Guys stop trying to all log in at once, you're causing the server to continue to crash.

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