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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Can some of you kids go to bed early? The adults want a turn.

  2. Are you guys in 3.0 yet?

  3. My prediction: Server will be down within the first hour of 3.0 release.

  4. Due to School and work taking alot of my time, im thinking i might have to cut down on my characters. . .for people who have rped with me, which charaters would you recomend i keep?

  5. Due to School and work taking alot of my time, im thinking i might have to cut down on my characters. . .for people who have rped with me, which charaters would you recomend i keep?

  6. Name one or two games that you have played the longest (in hours)

  7. Name one or two games that you have played the longest (in hours)

  8. So... Heard 'bout dat Anthos?

  9. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, have we found the perfect place for a Nickelback concert?

  10. Fred is obviously a power-gamer.

  11. I feel like the freaking savior of malinor

  12. Only on my Dark Elf do I stumble across a tournament of White Rose and Orcs, NEVER ON ANY OTHER CHARACTER!

  13. I feel like the freaking savior of malinor

  14. ROFL "Oh my belly!" XD

  15. 38 people on forums 50 on server, ;last time it happens, gaurentee you. Also watched Gangnam Style for the first time, not just listened to it.... what is wrong with you people...

  16. What is one sad ending in a movie/TV show that at least came close to making you cry?

  17. I don't like my character anymore.

  18. Time to throw a Christmas tree out the window.

  19. HAPPY NEW YEAR. You can now write /13 when you go to site the date down!

  20. Anyone having trouble voting?

  21. Happy New Years everyone!


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