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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. That feeling when you survive 5 skeleton archers with half a heart left, then die from falling into some shallow water.

  2. Tehehe egging manors and such

  3. Thank you to all who ref my MA! Elphie can now start /Learning/ Magic ^^

  4. If you really want to attack me, get a VA for it >:I Too many no-VA attacks in one day for my liking.

  5. I'm afraid that's it for me, LOTC, I'm going to miss you....

  6. Anyone doing anything interesting 12/21/12?

  7. [1:45:45 PM] Matt: Since the world is ending in 2 days. I wish to tell you all something. I hope you all die painful deaths.

  8. There is a HNNNNGer on the loose people!

  9. Everyone who loves paintball, support the field me and friends are soon to open https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shadow-Corps-Paintball/254354498026633

  10. I'm bored as hell today! :(

  11. Taking baths over showers for personal preference is not considered a secret!

  12. Agh... powergamers... kinda put me off role-playing again...

  13. A small survey for minecrafts future developments, fill it out to have your voice known! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGxnQXFYRUNmTm5YY1hRenpaYWNhSVE6MQ

  14. A small survey for minecrafts future developments, fill it out to have your voice known! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGxnQXFYRUNmTm5YY1hRenpaYWNhSVE6MQ

  15. Im not sure if anyone noticed, or if anyone cares ^^; but i have not been on lotc for what seems to have been a month, in any case, to my friends or anyone who it intrests, id like to say...IM BACK ^^ and it feels good to be back after a break

  16. Happy Birthday to me..

  17. Aurora's line just made me laugh so hard...xD I love you AUrora D:

  18. For that Arrogance...


  20. I wuv da people who wuv me, but if u hate me.. u betta wuv me!

  21. Do too many games end with "craft"?

  22. I wuv da people who wuv me, but if u hate me.. u betta wuv me!

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