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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Saying something hurtful to someone you care about sucks, even if it is for the best...

  2. I sense 2.5 in the near future

  3. The uplifting moment when your patient says your beautiful. eeeek!

  4. Welp, useless status update about how I wont be able to get on for [my estimate] a month, see you all on the other side!

  5. An F+? what teacher marks a grade as an F+?? Is this supposed to mean "Oh, you failed... But you did a good job while failing"?? I kinda thought that if you failed, you failed...

  6. I wuv awll of u guys!

  7. Don't forget to vote!

  8. Remember, no matter what difficulty you're going through today, it'll all be just a memory tomorrow.

  9. What is a nickname someone has called you?

  10. What is a nickname someone has called you?

  11. I hate it when I buy a game, and it doesn't even works, because there was something at the bottom of the page that I didn't read that says "You require ____" and that ____ is not compatible X_X

  12. Panda better see some votes soon, or there will be people getting machetes instead of muffins..

  13. Gonna try Two Worlds II. The pirate one.

  14. Gonna try Two Worlds II. The pirate one.

  15. Do I gots any Vermont bros? -Doubts it-

  16. Looks like it is going to be a busy week, no LOTC for me. :(

  17. All I see are status updates telling me to vote... I can't anymoar!

  18. People have been calling them emeralds. Are they not minas anymore?

  19. ... I want to go to bed... But at the same time I don't .... Meh...

  20. would you say nightmares can be bad luck?

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