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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Just sorted out a lovely lil' suit for Knox. Now I just need a reason to wear it... http://imgur.com/94wP7

  2. Some Forum Mod or someone need's to inform us on why the server's still do...o-o

  3. Reading horror at midnight probably wasn't the best choice..

  4. For those who have not done so yet, brush your teeth, then drink orange juice. It is really yummy >:D

  5. Mum tries to put internet controls on the modem. I think she forgot she gave me Admin Access to the internet...

  6. For those who have not done so yet, brush your teeth, then drink orange juice. It is really yummy >:D

  7. Finally, Arlen doesn't have to wear those heavy robes that don't even fit!

  8. Day 1 1/2 - Still no server...

  9. Elves vs humans, who wins?

  10. hehe run, that's what you can do in that game XD

  11. Server -pokes server- Wake up server , Server heelloooo?

  12. Note to self: If you take a five minute walk to the store at 9:50PM on thanksgiving night, the streets will be creepy, and dead.

  13. Note to self: If you take a five minute walk to the store at 9:50PM on thanksgiving night, the streets will be creepy, and dead.

  14. Note to self: If you take a five minute walk to the store at 9:50PM on thanksgiving night, the streets will be creepy, and dead.

  15. Happy Thanksgiving, even though I'm Austalian

  16. Your Welcome, Server Up

  17. Considering downloading League of Legends.

  18. Somehow I created an unoffical skype chat for LotC.....

  19. Considering downloading League of Legends.

  20. Everyone haten on us dark elves.

  21. I am going to stay up until I get to finish my RP >:/

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