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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Now, I use le IPad to post a useless status, Have a nice day everyone!

  2. War with the Elves.

  3. cant beleive im saying this, but mobs are soooooooo slow!

  4. cant beleive im saying this, but mobs are soooooooo slow!

  5. And now time for something completely different.

  6. Computer overheats and my mouse stops working. i see no relation between those.

  7. No word on the server....

  8. No word on the server....

  9. Thanks Xbox Live Support for being useless. Need to buy a new account now, Goodbye all of my nice things.

  10. No word on the server....

  11. why cant i connect to The server? it says end of stream...

  12. You may take my posting rights... BUT YOU WILL NEVER TAKE MY FREEDOM!

  13. Good morning!

  14. Moving! Will be gone for 4-5 days! Stay classy LoTC!

  15. You can do it server! Come on!

  16. I think I should try and shoot for the Application Team. I look at whitelist apps alot, so why not help grade them? I think I can do a pretty good job...

  17. hurm, thinking of perma killing Arzota, thoughs?

  18. Note to self: A hallucinogenic mixed with a tranqulizer for a poisin is apperntly like a shot of weed to an orc XD best.poisin.ever!

  19. You know someone is a good Role-player when:

  20. You know someone is a good Role-player when:

  21. What do you guys think about gryphon lore?

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