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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. ahh nothing better then a blood nose and a down server, I feel like what ever killed it, kicked me in the face, (and yes, I hit my face on the door trying to walk out) ((Not blond, white hair, I promise))

  2. Meh 12 hours later my LOTC chat still broken :(....paitence, i need to remeber paitence....

  3. Nuu! We were in the middle of a tea party!

  4. I dont wanna be up this early ;;

  5. Would people hate me if I started a forum game?

  6. lockdown.. also known as maintenence. Calmer down children.

  7. LOCKDOWN - *tries logging in anyways

  8. *randomly offers a cookie... Do you DARE take the cookie... ?

  9. *randomly offers a cookie... Do you DARE take the cookie... ?

  10. *randomly offers a cookie... Do you DARE take the cookie... ?

  11. The server is down! This is a good thing, because this means that they are fixing things! :D Look on the positive sides of things, we are not being ddosed!

  12. If we have been ddosed again I have lost all hope...

  13. Hey guys I just made a new shaded skin and wanted to ask your opinion, does it look more like Artemis Lockwood or Felix McCarthy? Here's the link to the skin. a>

  14. Well! stuck in Malinor with a headache and noone to rp with, Nighty night world!

  15. Server is so close to fully up mode :)

  16. So I'm now on the Show Yourself thread... yeah...

  17. So whats the deal with the server?

  18. So... You can be banned for thinking that the Temp Server is a screw around server. However, it is perfectly acceptable to put on godmode and go around randomly killing people without a word. Perfectly logical.

  19. So... You can be banned for thinking that the Temp Server is a screw around server. However, it is perfectly acceptable to put on godmode and go around randomly killing people without a word. Perfectly logical.

  20. Oh hey... I'm a princess! :D

  21. How much could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  22. The temp server is... different. But strangely fun, like playing survival minecraft while roleplaying..

  23. To post in the show yourself thread or to not post in it... hmm...

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