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Hunter (sckolar)

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Status Replies posted by Hunter (sckolar)

  1. Can't beleive I am saying this but with the last 2 horrid villain RPs I just had I am wanting VAs back

  2. Can't beleive I am saying this but with the last 2 horrid villain RPs I just had I am wanting VAs back

  3. "Armour and minas or die" Happened 4 times to my char today, in a fully populated city as a guard. *lesigh* Please stop the fail RP guys, I love villain RP but not this.

  4. It's hard to buy an early access game for me these days. And by "these days" I mean this year, and last year. It seems "EARLY ACCESS WOO!" translates into: "Buy a game that will never be finished! If it is, we will be sure to make it half assed!"

  5. It's hard to buy an early access game for me these days. And by "these days" I mean this year, and last year. It seems "EARLY ACCESS WOO!" translates into: "Buy a game that will never be finished! If it is, we will be sure to make it half assed!"

  6. I have to learn to play the banjo. And buy one.

  7. I can't use any of the servers IPs :I

  8. Why cant I get into the server?

  9. So my dad just walked in, handed me Titanfall, and left

  10. Judging by a recent ban report, I am under the impression that players will look for the smallest reason to make a BR on someone, even though the result of the death was inevitable.

  11. Judging by a recent ban report, I am under the impression that players will look for the smallest reason to make a BR on someone, even though the result of the death was inevitable.

  12. Judging by a recent ban report, I am under the impression that players will look for the smallest reason to make a BR on someone, even though the result of the death was inevitable.

  13. Rogue Legacy is $5 on steam! :)

  14. Death to the Stormcloaks!

  15. Is it normal to play a character for 2 years and hasn't accomplished or risen up to anything that would set me apart from the average joe?

  16. I'm mostly likely going to be leaving LoTC for a while. I've suddenly had some insults delivered OOC, and I'm not going to talk about it to avoid being hated more. Thanks, Techy

  17. Did you know, in the old times, killing a pregant lady was considered one of the worst crimes?

  18. Just a reminder, you really can't be somewhere OOCly

  19. Has anyone enjoyed the ESO beta? Honestly I thought it was pretty big improvement from the last ones, and I think it's sort of coming along. What do you guys think?

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