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Posts posted by LordArt12

  1. ((WIP I posted this early by mistake))


    Council of Casoria

    • The Prince - The Prince is the elected Prince of Casoria, and is responsible for the general direction of foreign and domestic policy, as well as for progress and benefit of the town. In Short, he or she is an accountable political leader of Casoria, responsible to the people and to the Council.

    • The Legate -  The Legate is the General of the militia and guard of Casoria, and is responsible for civil defense and other military matters of the city. Is appointed by the Prince.

    • The Quaestor - The Quaestor is the domestic supervisor of the city, responsible for the treasury and managing the construction and maintenance of the town. This position is elected by Parliament Bi-yearly.

    • The Ambassador - A member appointed to be the ambassador to other nations and states, representing the city’s interest abroad. Is appointed by the Prince.

    • The Bishop -  The Holy Church’s official to the Council.

    • The Magistrate - A regular citizen elected to be Judge.

    • Asides the Prince and Bishop, each office has a term of 2 years, in which election or the prince will see a new person in office, or a continuation of the old holder in office.


    The Patrician Families

    • Each founding family of Casoria is a Patrician family, and have certain rights over others. These rights include holding office in the Council, a double vote in Parliament, and the responsibility to serve in the militia outside the city.

    • Each family receives a house or manor for free as well as each member from a Patrician family getting a double vote in Parliament.

    • To become a patrician you need 4 years of being a citizen of Casoria, and a nomination from a Patrician, followed by your establishment by the Prince or Doge.


    The Parlement of Casoria

    • The Parliament of Casoria is a gathering of all Patricians and Citizens within Casoria.

    • At the beginning of each Parliament, a speaker is chosen by the Prince, other than himself, to facilitate discussion and keep things moving smoothly and according to the agenda. This Speaker may not vote during this session. A Speaker may not be Speaker for 3 sessions after they have been speaker once.

    • The Parliament, during regulated sessions, may debate over new proposals and laws, as put forth by any council member, and approve or deny them according to the vote.

    • During open sessions, at least once a year, it is the same, except any member may propose a new law or policy.

    • After the planned agenda during an open session of Parliament, the floor is turned over to open discussion.

    • For voting, it is by member. A member from a Patrician House receives two votes, and a member from a citizen house one. The member must be an adult to vote (above the age of 16).

    • An absent House for any reason has its votes considered in abstention.

    • Bi-Annually the positions of Quaestor and Aldermen are voted from members of Parliament, the only restriction being that the Aldermen must be the chief of one of the three authorized guilds (This number may be risen).

    • During any Parliament, a vote for impeachment may be called on any member of Council for Just reason. This vote requires a majority of all member of Parliament present or not If successful, the Prince will appoint a replacement until term’s end, or if the prince was impeached, a new election held for Prince immediately.

    • For votes of laws and policies, a majority of those present is required.

    • In times of emergency and war, a vote for Polemarch may be held. A Polemarch has powers equal to a Prince, along with the following. They may exercise veto over any new law or policy introduced in Parliament. They have right to lead the armies abroad. They may introduce laws and policies that do not interfere with the Constitution or the safety of Aesterwald or Casoria without Parliament, that last until emergency or war’s end. They may also act as Speaker of a Parliament with full vote. A Polemarch has a defined length of term in office, at which case the individual steps down from being Polemarch. This term may be renewed only once each emergency or war. It is not always necessary to have  a Polemarch during an emergency or war, and requires a 66% supermajority. ANy member of Parliament may nominate any other Patrician to it’s role.


    Titles of Nobility

    • A Knight made only be knighted from those the prince for acts of Valour and courage in combat. It is expected for the prince to be a knight.

    • If a Patrician family has holdings outside of the City, they may receive a title of nobility ranging from Baronet to Baron to Count to Marquis to Duke, depending on the size of the holdings and number of holdings. This title of nobility does not give precedence over anyone in the town, but adds prestige and makes them likely candidates for the role of Ambassador. Also, It recognizes their other holdings. On rare occasion title of nobility may be given to a Patrician member for great work on behalf of the Republic.


    Rights of Citizens

    • The right to a fair trial, with Three Judges presiding and said judges as jury, including at least the Magistrate, one citizen appointed by the Prince and one by Parliament

    • The right to racial equality

    • The right to participate in Parliament

    • The right to express your opinion if it is strictly personal


    Guard Force


    • Reasons for the formation of the Guard Force


    The Trade Republic of Casoria is a new entity, with both grand prospects and immediate threats. Prospects, which include becoming rich through trade, and gaining influence through diplomacy. Threats, which include undead neighbors, a war torn realm, and corrupted descendants who would seek to exploit us and prevent us from becoming the rich and powerful republic which we strive to be. With our goals, our current state, and our harsh environment in mind, it is necessary to form a functional and powerful guard force to both protect and serve the people and the republic.


    • Legal Responsibilities, and Duties of Guardsmen


    The guard is required to enforce the law of Casoria when on Casorian grounds or when handling matters between citizens of Casoria. The guard may use any force necessary when handling criminals, but may not use force beyond what is necessary. If guardsmen use an excess of force they will face internal punishment within the guard or face the justice system of Casoria, if so decided by parliament.


    The government of Casoria may later put protocols for the guards handling of specific situations forth.


    The guard may not at any point break the laws or customs of a foreign nation when on that nations grounds. If a guardsman breaks the laws or customs of a foreign nation, they will be put to trial, and either found guilty and punished accordingly for their crime, or pardoned, and go unpunished by our law.


    Should Casoria find itself at war with a nation, the previous law shall be overridden in relation to that nation.


    In times of war, guardsmen are required to serve Casoria for its protection and betterment. If a guardsmen refuses to serve Casoria they will face internal punishment within the guard or face the justice system of Casoria, if so decided by parliament.


    Guardsmen most always obey the orders from the government and their superiors within the guard. They do not take direct orders from any civilian or member of the government, rather they perform tasks designated to them by the government and take direct orders from their superiors within the guard.


    Should orders from men within the guard contradict the orders from the government, it is a guards duty to inform the guard giving the contradicting orders of his mistake. If the guard contradicting the government does not amend his orders it is the duty of other guards to disobey the orders and report to the government.


    Apart from the common duties of the guard, the guard may be employed by the government to escort a trade caravan, ambassador, or government official.


    The use of intoxicating or mind-altering substances whilst on duty is prohibited. Should a guardsman be found intentionally affected by said substances whilst on duty they will face internal punishment within the guard or face the justice system of Casoria, if so decided by parliament.



    • Pay benefits and equipment provided to guardsmen

    -  Chain Armour and Iron Swords

    -  Free Housing in the Barrack

    -  A daily supply of food



    • Hierarchy and Structure


    The hierarchy is as follows




    The Legate has full authority over the military and all members of the military. He oversees all aspects of the military and acts as the field commander. His approval is necessary in order for any act or change to happen within the guard, however he may delegate this power as deems necessary.


    The Deputy assumes all responsibilities of the Legate should the Legate be absent for over a year. Upon the Legates return, he returns power to the legate. He is also given full power during military operations, which the Legate is not present for. The deputy may only be appointed by the legate. The deputy acts as the Legate’s advisor, and second in command.


    Captains control platoons in battle. Off the battlefield they have commanding authority over lower ranking soldiers. A command from the Legate or Deputy, of course overrides that of a Captain. On the battlefield they command and maneuver there platoon in order to carry out orders from the highest ranking officer.


    Guards are the common soldiers within the military. They make up the majority of the soldiers within the guard. In battle each will be assigned an officer to take direct orders from. They take orders only from that officer and that officer’s superiors.


    Recruits are newly inducted members of the Guard. They have the same power as all other members of the Guard but are under constant evaluation for whether or not they are ready to become fully fledged Guards ready to take on full responsibilities. Upon reaching a certain level of skill in combat and other standards they will be promoted to the rank guard.


    • Training Requirements


    All members are required to know, the laws of Casoria, and to have read this document. They are required to have be adequate in combat and to be capable of working together. This will be taught in training sessions which will be held each elven day. Guards must attend these sessions (unless they have valid OOC excuses). Failure to attend a sum of three sessions or military operations will result in a guard not receiving the benefits for participating in the military. Repetitive failure to attend at least three may result in release from service.



    The Merchant Families of Casoria




    The List of Patrician Families

    • House Halcourt

    • House Blake

    • House Domnall

    • House Fontaine

    • House Wright

    • House Whitley

  2. *A note attached to the wall at all the Pubs and Inns, it reads.*


    Labourers Needed


    We are in need of Lumberjacks, Farmers, Guardsmen, and Builders.


    Guardsmen's duties will be to keep the village safe from bandits, the undead, and any other threats that they may encounter.

    Guardsmen will be supplied with food and equipment for the duration of their service.


    Lumberjacks will be tasked with the job of clearing away tree and collecting logs.

    Lumberjacks will be provide all the equipment need for their job.


    Farmer will be tasked with supplying the village with wheat and other food products.

    Farmers will be supplied all the needed equipment for them to do their jobs.


    Builders will help rebuild and maintain the village. 

    All the materials for the job will be provided.


    All Labourers will also be payed 150 minas a week.((For most of them))


    Contact Herren if ye' are interested.

  3. ((No longer exists))


    *You see a note fluttering in the breeze, it reads*


    The Celtican Tribe


    We the Celtican Tribe greet thee,

    Tis been an eternity since we last left our village Canibri,

    For we had no need to do so,

    Alas our village has fallen on hard times,

    and so we must seek help.

    We are seeking new townsfolk, labourers, and merchants, 

    to breath life into Canibri.

    Housing will be provide free of charge to those of ye'

    who are willing to help Canibri.

    We are located south or the human capital Petrus.



    Merchant Info


    Merchant will be provide a stall or a shop to conduct their business.

    There is a small fee for the upkeep of the stall or shop.

    We are also looking for an inn master,

    someone to manage and build on inn on our land.

    All building materials will be provided.


    Labourers Needed


    We are in need of Lumberjacks, Farmers, Guardsmen, and Builders.


    Guardsmen's duties will be to keep the village safe from bandits, the undead, and any other threats that they may encounter.

    Guardsmen will be supplied with food and equipment for the duration of their service.


    Lumberjacks will be tasked with the job of clearing away tree and collecting logs.

    Lumberjacks will be provide all the equipment need for their job.


    Farmer will be tasked with supplying the village with wheat and other food products.

    Farmers will be supplied all the needed equipment for them to do their jobs.


    Builders will help rebuild and maintain the village. 

    All the materials for the job will be provided.


    All Labourers will be payed 200 minas or more a week as well.



    Canibri's and The Celtican Tribes' law is ran by a tribunal of 5 village elders, the Head Chief, the Hound, the Eagna, the Rathúnas, and the Seanchaí.  Each of the elders has control over a certain aspect of the tribe.  For example the Hound has control over the military aspects of the tribe.  No one man holds complete power over the tribunal.  However, the Head Chieftain may veto any decision if he feels it will not help the tribe or is unjust.  Therefore, if a member of the tribe or a criminal is catch they will be brought forth to the tribunal and their fate will be decided. 




    The Celtican Tribe is a group of towns belonging to the descendants of Adunians who broke off from the rest of the Adunians and started their own town/towns in the far south. The Celtican tribe was founded by a group of Adunians, lead by Airell Domnall, aeons ago and since then have made may of their own laws and traditions.  

    Celticans do not live an extremely extravagant lives with their houses mainly consisting of stone walls, cone like roofs, and a garden connected to the house.  


    Most Celticans prefer practical and simple clothing, though there are those who prefer fashion over practicality.  The colors of the clothes many consist of green and brown.


    It has been may years since anybody has seen signs of this Celticans, but recently a village has been founder by Herren Domnall in close proximity to the town of the 'outsiders'.  This town is named Canibri, meaning Good or nice, to try and display a friendly face for the Celticans.  Previously, Airthron Domnall son of Herren Domnall had spent some time with the 'outsiders' to judge whether or not it would be wise to settle a new village closer to them.  



    ((This topic is continuously updated))

  4. What's your MC name? My MC name is LordArt12

    What kind of events are most interested in? (Playing as a temporary faction, creature, Antagonist etc..) Overall I am interested in all kinds of events. But if I have to choose one it would be creature events. I do not know what draws me to this kind of event it could be one of many things. It is possibly the fact that I have always loved animals.

    What kinds of influential RP has your current LOTC character been involved in?

    My current character has barely been involved in any influential RP. The only influential RP my current character was involved in was the ship voyage from Aegis to the new world Asulon. Other than that he has not been involved in any influential RP.

    What in your opinion, makes a good event?

    In my opinion a good event is an event where people leave with a roleplaying experience that they will not easily forget.

    Let's say your playing as a wolf, wandering outside a village and you smell cake from within a bakery that seems unattended. Inside the bakery the cake sits on the counter. What do you do and how do you emote?

    *A wolf leisurely slinks around a village. Suddenly it stops dead still, with its nose in the air, sniffs.*

    *Slowly, the wolf moves into the alley, all the while sniffing.*

    *As the wolf cautiously approaches the source of its attention, it stops, lays flat on its belly, and listens, tentatively waiting, for the slightest movement or noise.*

    *Alert, the wolf moves again toward the bakery.*

    *Within seconds, the wolf stealthily steals into the bakery, inching towards the warm, fragrant, freshly baked cake.*

    *Approaching the counter, the wolf stops and peers up.*

    *Seconds pass. The wolf remains still, looking. Suddenly, in a flash, the wolf leaps onto the counter and begins devouring the cake.*

    *Once it has eaten its fill, the wolf hurtles down from the counter and hastily scurries out of the bakery, heading for the safety of the forest surrounding the village.*

    You're playing as a necromancer hiding out in a graveyard, in search of a relic. Two armor-less players enter the graveyard to revisit an old friend. What do you do to create an experience for them and how to you reveal yourself?

    *Crouched behind an elaborate stone Angel marking an ancient tomb, the necromancer removes his satchel.*

    *Preparing to search behind the ivy covered crypt, he suddenly hears voices.*

    *Two ghostly figures emerge out of the fog.*

    *Heart pounding, the necromancer raises his eyes just above the stone cover of the crypt.*

    *With relief he spies two roughly dressed individuals intently reading grave markers.*

    *Concentrating you summon a mist spell and weave it around the two unsuspecting characters.*

    *Once both characters are completely enshrouded in mist, you summon a cold spell and push is towards the nervous pair.*

    *You shout in a deep eerie voice, “Leave this place! Or be prepared to meet your doom!!!”*

    You're playing as a drunken sailor. You have to tell players rumors of treasure but accidentally, how do you go about doing this?

    *Sleeping under a tree, the drunken sailor snores away.*

    *Suddenly the noise of a raucous bird awakens him.*

    *He stumbles to his feet and feeling thirsty again weaves his way to the Leaky Boat Inn.*

    *Tripping through the door, the sailor falls into a table, where 4 patrons were enjoying their bowl of steaming clam stew.*

    *Slurring his words, the sailor says, “….no one knows what old Bill knows…..”*

    *When no one responds, Bill the sailor staggers to his feet and growls louder, “….no one know what old Bill knows…”*

    *”A treassssshure I tell yah!”, he slurs, sending a shower of spit onto the man closest to him.*

    *”But not a…..not a….lilly-livered ssssshhhhoul….will drrrrrag it out of me…..”*

    Create a small paragraph describing a quirky character that could provide roleplay for players.

    Perquenot, is undersized, with a nose like a tuber, closely resembling a potato. He is a troubadour and was a King’s chief spy. His role as a troubadour gives him unrestricted welcome in every castle, manor, village, inn, or establishment in the Kingdom. This unrestricted access affords him the perfect opportunity to gather a multitude of valuable information. Besides having a reasonably good singing voice, his other talents include: song writing, storytelling, juggling, slight-of-hand, climbing, and squeezing through or into incredibly small places. He is also very adept at using an unusually designed small steel dagger. He can, with precision, hit the acorn of a mature oak tree from the ground. Although not handsome (With a nose like a potato, who could be?) he has a very winning and engaging smile. His movements are quick and efficient resembling an active red squirrel. Reinforcing this resemblance to a squirrel is his shock of brownish-red hair. His eyes are quick and alert and do not miss much. His heart, despite his diminutive stature, is valiant, often moved by the plight of others.

  5. Hail Asulon!

    Eastgeroth is looking for some workers. If you are looking for a job leave a note below. Please use this guideline.


    What Job you are looking for:

    A little about you:

    Would you be willing to travel 2000 block to get to a job:

    ((MC name: ))

    ((OOC: A few notes Eastgeroth is not an official town yet you'll find the charter bellow. This town is fairly remote. Also the pay will vary depending on your skill in each job. You will find out where the town is located when you are hired. If more info is requested i will update.))

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name:LordArt12

    -How old are you?:17

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: -7.00GMT

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:Ok I guess.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:I love playing RPGs. For that matter I love video gaming. I enjoy actual drama. I have been involved in theatre and Shakespeare Drama camps. I have done role playing in Runescape and LOTRO.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:42hours+

    -How long have you played Minecraft?:About a year.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:Yes, roleplaying refers to the changing of one's behaviour to assume a role. It is creating and taking on an interesting character which you maintain and developed while playing in-game. You interact with other players and that widens the entire role-playing experience. The creativity of many unique individuals is involved.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?:A fun roleplaying experience. This would involve a lot of creativity. Interacting with well thought out characters in interesting and unique situations.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:Wowcraft(It died),Wolfcraft(Not too fun), and My own server(I did not leave just wanted a server to play on that is not mine).

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:Yes, I agree.

    -Name the 4 races on this server:Human, Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves

    -How did you hear about us?:Youtube

    -Did you vote?: Yep, three times on Saturday and three times on Sunday.

    -What was your favourite Law?: I have two. You must keep in character and you must play in character as this is an roleplaying server. Laws prevent a lot of future difficulties. They help everyone know just what is expected of them.

    -What was your least favourite Law?:I do not have a least favorite. Rules are made so that you have the best time you can.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:LordArt12


    -Character Name: Airthron

    -What is your Race?:Human

    -Biography:Born in Aegis, Airthron's family settled down in a small country home in an obscure part of the country. He descends from an impoverished family in the lower levels of the aristocracy. His family was never wealthy but always noble, loyal to the King. Hard times and fickle Kings have seen the failing of his family's fortunes. Ever since Airthron was a little boy he has always wanted to serve the great king of Oren. When Airthron hit the age of 13 his father started teaching him the family trade. Airthron picked up a love for farming and a passion for sword fighting.

    When one day he and his mother are walking along the road to the Cloud Temple of Aegis they are ambushed by a band of 3 orcs. Airthron tries to fend them off but is knocked out and his mother was kidnaped. After a while his father goes looking for his wife and son, and he finds his son lying unconscious on the side of the road but his wife nowhere to be found. Airthron's father takes him home and after 3 days Airthron finally wakes up. He swears that he will get his mother back from the filthy orcs. But his father soothes him by saying "Son you have no weapon and you lack skill to accomplish your goal. You must train and earn the money to buy a new sword." So Airthron takes up a job with a friend of his father's who owns a bakery. After months of hard work he finally has the money he needs to buy a new sword. Now he goes to his father and asks “Father, can you teach me how to use a sword like you used to do?" His father answers him "Sure son but it will take a lot of hard work and long hours of training." Airthron used to hard work by now says "Aye father I am ready." So his father teaches him what he knows. After years of training Airthron's father says to him "I think it is time for you to have our family’s armour. This armour was given to your grandfather by the king himself. So wear it proudly son." Airthron filled we joy and hope sets out to free his mother. When he finally reaches the spot he and his mother where ambushed he searches every which way he finally finds the way he thinks is the way to the orc outlaws camp. Arriving at their camp he sees only 3 orcs the same 3 who had kidnapped his mother and knocked him out. Feeling a sudden urge of hate but yet a sudden urge of sympathy. Not knowing where the sudden urge of sympathy came from he decided that he will not kill the orc but only reclaim his mother and leave. As he got closer he realized that the orcs where all asleep he thought to himself "This is going to be easy. He finds his mother ragged and pale tied to a post in one of the huts. He whispers to his mother "Mother it’s me Airthron!" She turns her head and with a sparkle in her eye says "My son I missed you so. And I see father has given you the family armour. It suits you." Airthron holds back his tears and unties his mother and carries her home. Filled with joy Airthrons family has a small but joyous feast.

    2 years have passed since that happen and Airthron now owns a small peaceful country home. He is unmarried and enjoyed his solitary life. However, one day this solitude was shattered. Because he is attacked by orcs. He is able to fend them off but his home is destroyed. His loyal servants are killed. Thus forced to leave his home, Airthron sets out to improve his family's fortunes and to find a new beginning, a new home. After travelling through treacherous territory for weeks, Airthron meets a dwarf being assaulted by orcs. Airthron runs to his aid. After a fierce fight Airthron and the dwarf decide to travel together. A firm and loyal friendship ensues. For many days they do not see a single soul. But finally they reach Kal'Urguan and the dwarf has to depart. So, despite their bond, they say their goodbyes and take their separate ways, hoping to meet again in the future. A little while later, Airthron finds the kingdom of Oren. Here he decides to settle and perhaps rebuild his shattered life.

    -Character Age:21

    -Character Appearance:Airthron's appearance is young, strong, and agile. Work on the family estate and farmlands, as well as daily conditioning with his fighting master have endowed him with a lithe yet muscular physique. He is taller than average height with raven black hair. His eyes are the deep teal of the stormy sea. He can be commonly seen wearing his family's armour.

    -Character Personality:Airthron's personality is friendly, kind, caring, and forgiving. However, in battle he is fierce and demonstrates a keen fighting ability. He stands for justice and is willing to fight against injustice.

    -Your ambitions:Airthron hopes to reclaim his family's fortune and place in society.

    Perhaps adventure will see him drawn from his current obscurity. His real love, however, is nature and farming.

    -Can your character read or write?: Airthron can read and write quite well.

    -Can your character mine?: Airthron is a decent miner but not as good as a dwarf.

    -Are you a capable builder?:If Airthron has materials he can build almost anything.

    -Can you wield a sword?:Airthron studied under the best of swordsmen.

    -Enjoy Farming?: He grow up farming, and is in tune with nature so Airthron has an unending love for farming.

    -Does your character have any special skills?:Well he has some connection with animals and a keen understanding of animals and plants.

    -A screenshot of your skin:post-28648-0-82699000-1318873166_thumb.p

    -Other Information: Whether I am accepted or not just filling out this application was fun so the server must be awesome!

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