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About Gwonam_Blaze

  • Rank
    Lord of the Sprites
  • Birthday 07/12/1996

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  1. Oh deary me. I go to have a wash, and 'this' happens! See why you people shouldn't let me go now?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kaiser


      *Chains Gwonams neck to a wall, in a deep dark basement*

      Boss said you are never leaving again, Sucks for you

      *Walks up steps and closes door forever*

    3. Pum!


      *Sneaks in and frees Gwony, and tugs him into the light. By now, he is a Gollum creature of darkness and talks like Gollum*

      "HISSS!! My precious birthday present! That Bagginses stoles it from us, my precious!" Says Gollum Gwony.

      "You've been reading too much of The Hobbit, Gwonam. Now go sit in that tree and wait for the Orcs." I said.

      *Gwony slowly climbs the tree*

      " And don't come down until they come!" I called to h...

    4. Pum!
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