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Kickstarted and Running

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About Kickstarted and Running

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    Bass Sultan
  • Birthday April 2

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  1. I hate ******* kids man... I just got forced into baby sitting about an hour ago. I hate it when my sister does this to me. Needless to say, I left for a while, and then came back. I am not babysitting a bunch of 7 year olds.

    1. blindmind


      Reminds me of one summer of mine when I had to babysit for 11 hrs a day because my Mom liked sleeping too much.

    2. Tethras


      Might want to replace "f***ing kids" Since the definition of "f**k" is s*x. Therefore, the meaning of that sentence can be taken the wrong way.((Mr Literal strikes again!)). But yes looking after young children can be very annoying. More so as they get very bored quickly...

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