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Status Replies posted by gre7

  1. Lord of the Craft! Home of the unstable server.

    1. gre7


      They really need to fix this, its getting ridiculous.

  2. I just got eaten today.......yah.

    1. gre7


      Once you get around my beard I taste delicious!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. You sluts aren't worth a goodbye.

  4. Calling people immature and childish is immature and childish... See what I did there? I trapped you ^v^ mwahaha

    1. gre7


      Your so immature and childish for calling me immature and childish for calling when I say that others are immature and childish.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  5. If you fancy RPing one of Goliaths sons, PM me (They're 20 years old or so) PM me. Fun RP incoming. (GMT-London) yay

  6. Do creepers still turn into charged creepers when hit by lightening?

    1. gre7


      Wow...I never realized charged creepers were a good thing.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Why when people get Perma banned or leave LOTC They still look at the Forums everyday? Thought yo' be banned/left

    1. gre7


      Because even if they have been banned or have left deep down they still like Lord of the Craft, and will probably (Like me) eventually come back to it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Vote. If you don't, I will come to your home personally and vote for you! http://minestatus.net/6317-the-lord-of-the-craft/vote

  9. I have kitties. Their names are Melody, Rhyme, and Tempo, and they are all orange.

  10. Im back, and i need to help a friend get started on here. Now must find cure for madness before his app gets accepted! RIGHT I'm going to be on world record time, find a cure. as quickly. as. POSSIBLE

    1. gre7


      *Is still laughing about King Jibuis.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. Got into my first, real fight on the server in all my time since July. Fighting more than one person, especially orcs, is like having to do long division in a few seconds.

    1. gre7


      *Rolls his eyes "Tell me about it".

  12. I would like to state a formal apology from myself from how much of a piss poor job I do running the GM's. I'am merely one human being and I do the best I can. I'am working hard on the server to please as many people as I can in the best way I can and if I cannot tend to all than I 'am sorry. But I will not give up in doing things the same way I have been doing things since the day I became GM back in July. I hope those that still have faith in me continue to support me!

    1. gre7


      *Uses his Darth Vader voice changer "I find their lack of faith disturbing".

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  13. I got murdered today in Salvus. A drunken guard watched. Then after I died after being simultaneously attacked by 3 people he called for backup and arrested 2 of them. However so incompetent were the Salvus guards that while under watch of 2 guys wearing diamond armor both of them escaped. However it was all great fun, but the ordinators really need to step it up. The prisoners weren't searched and one was not shackled.

  14. Just a button... Wait wha....

  15. Well....its time to bring sexy back. (I'll be trying to get back into RPing by resurrecting Calith.

  16. Um.. Feel like hugging someone but who? XD

  17. Taking a break from LOTC, started up my own server again.

    1. gre7


      /RAGE FACE!!!

  18. *Mezua posts status* *instantly obtains countless comments*

    1. gre7


      *Makes a really cool comment that is way better then all before it.

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  19. about to hit 70,000 mina *flexes :D

  20. I Am Really Annoyed At Hiw Many Times I Get Denied

    1. gre7


      All you really need to do is flesh out the biography a little bit, and possibly give hints that have shown you've read the lore.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  21. Tried to mug somebody with a pineapple in food tech.. For the trolls ah good times

  22. Accepted for 2B! Prepare for Kvothe - Hardcore Edition.

  23. Need a good bandit persona name, the name Lucas Black is to famous, getting a different look for being a bandit too. Suggestions anyone?

    1. gre7


      The mighty Lucas Black turning to banditry!? Now I've seen everything.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

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