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Posts posted by gre7

  1. ((Edit I wanted to give my character some more experience so I can use my full abilities to help the war))
    MC Name: gre7
    RP Name: Baz Aenral
    How long have you been with the Empire of Urguan?: Honestly I never have role played a Dwarf before I was Elvish for a long time, but eventually stopped Role playing due to a lack of time. I was hoping to become a dwarven engineer to take advantage of my love of redstone and trap building.
    Are you capable of writing lore posts?: I have nothing against it.
    Name? Baz Aenral
    How long have you been a citizen of the Empire of Urguan? Since I wus born
    What is your current job? I 'elp my father with 'is smithin'
    What do you know about engineering? I 'avent made 'nything big yet, but I've got lotsa big plans in mi notebook.
    Have you have a mentor? If so who? My father wus mai mentor
    In which specialization do you have the most experience? I luv makin traps of all kinds. I 'an make traps with pistons, 'ava and al kinds of odder things.
    Are you experienced in anything else? I know 'ow to smith
    Side note: If you think my character's language isn't right feel free to correct me.
  2. Name : Aramai

    Age : 8

    Relation to Karlio : Adopted Son

    Speciality : Alchemy and animals

    Short Story About Life : Everyone knows just how kind and compassionate Karlio is, and everyone also knows how dangerous it can be for can be for people (especially young people) in these ever changing times. The knowledge of both those things are what drove Aramai's mother to bring him to Karlio's house one night. While she did not know Karlio personally what she had heard on her travels had made him sound almost saintly. Either way she had no choice, but to leave Aramai on Karlio's doorstep, for her persuers were getting ever closer. So with a quick kiss goodbye, and a quick whispered order to "Stay here" she ran off into the night. Aramai was 4. While his past is dark and uncertain Aramai usually maintains a bright outlook on life. Under the educational and emotional support of Karlio, Aramai gained a love of alchemy, eventually surpassing Karlio's limited knowledge on the subject, and going onwards under the tutelage of books. In addition to his love of alchemy young Aramai also formed a love of animals, and vice versa.

    Aramai may usually maintain a fairly positive outlook on life, but his emotional being is far from perfect. The fact that he was already 4 when he was 'adopted' by Karlio means that he still has some memories of his mother, their flight, and the rest of his past life. Thoughts of these things can usually send Aramai into a long sulk, and since he has nobody else to take out his anger and frustration on he usually ends up going onto a pranking spree, using many of his alchemical skills, until Karlio puts an end to it. Beware the wrath of Aramai, lest you wake up tomorrow morning with purple hair and gassy bowels.

    By the way what is your timezone? I want to know if this will actually work out.:grin:

  3. -Name: Calith Daratrine

    -Age: 98

    -Gender: Male

    -Race: Elven

    -Occupation: Redstone trap specialist

    -Random information: After spending a good long time out in the wilderness when he lost interest in the doings of the world Calith is ready to return. However it has been years since he has last seen civilization. For that reason it is not very likely that his old jobs will still....be available. (I pretty much got tired of walking everywhere and getting lost...repeatedly, so I took a bit of a break from LOTC.)

    Qualities: Devoted, hardworking, creative, and slightly obsessed/crazy

    What I am searching for: All I really want is a nice job where I can make man eating traps from the comfort of my own home and to have an actual income.

    So....who is interested?

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