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Everything posted by gre7

  1. Well....its time to bring sexy back. (I'll be trying to get back into RPing by resurrecting Calith.

    1. gre7
    2. 0000


      Thank you for ending the parenthesis!

    3. Maximas1211


      :) :D :D :D Calith!

  2. For all of those who care.....I HAVE RETURNED!!!

    1. shiftnative


      Welcome home!

    2. Maximas1211


      :D :D :D WELCOME BACK! *Sheds a tear of joy*

  3. The website says its online and yet I still can't connect. *Rips his computer out of the wall and throws it across the room.

  4. I think this is a little more then a "quick restart"

  5. Just finished an epic RP battle and made an enemy. Its going to be interesting to see how this turns out.

    1. ShadowoKing


      I have no enemy yet, I think.

    2. Praetor


      I have.....enemies.....Foremost among them an ex-friend whom I stole his love from.

    3. Maximas1211
  6. gre7

    It was an honor to duel with you sir. Even if we weren't able to finish it.

  7. OOC MC Name:gre7 Weekly Availability: 7to12 hours Timezone: PST +8 Have an Accepted VA?: Sadly not, however I do plan on getting one If you do not, do you understand that you may only work as a quartermaster or guard?: I actually plan on working possibly as a blacksmith or alchemist. I also have a large interest in redstone and golems which could be put to good use. IC Name: Calith Are you willing to live at a tower, or other designated place?: All I need is some funds and a place to conduct my experiments. How good are you at combat?, explain past experiences: I mostly excell in close range city fighting and hand to hand combat. No particular battles come to mind Do you have any attachments to any specific group or person?: I do not wish to do anything to harm Malinor Are you willing to work outside the law?: Yes What other guilds or groups have you worked for in the past? The White Ravens, and Laurelin Royal Vanguard Tell us about yourself: Knowledge is power how do I know I can trust you? Why do you want to join the Spectres?: I agree with the idea that the brutal armies put forth by most country are next to worthless when fighting the undead. We should try to use their tactics and strike the enemy where it hurts not exactly where they want us to attack. P.S. I have designs for a extremely effective secret base.
  8. ....You got me set up underneath your capitol building yourself. Lol do you have short term memory loss?

  9. New get rich quick scheme=Become master blacksmith

  10. A nice little secluded mountain home to conduct my experiments....excellent.
  11. *Sighs "With all the killing of characters it almost seems like Calith will be the only character left after the map changes."

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lilyiann


      Keeping Lilyiann 4ever. Ashur will get waterballs thrown at his face all day >:D

    3. Praetor


      Keeping Issbaner too!

    4. Maximas1211


      Keeping Mine Now :D!!

  12. .......Our encounters shall be interesting indeed Covcath.
  13. MC Name: gre7 RP Name: Calith Daratrine How experienced do you THINK you are with redstone?(Preferably a non-biased opinion) I feel that I a reasonably skilled redstone technician. I specialize in traps and have created few very effective original traps that are virtually undiscovered. Any links to redstone devices you've made before and documented(Screenshots/Video). Sadly screen shots would not be enough to explain my traps for they often are very complex. As for video if I tried to do anything like that my horrible computer will crash. Although I am getting a new one soon. Why do you wish to join the guild? I wish to earn minas by doing something that I love making traps that can kill a full battalion of men if you don't know how to bypass it. I know, because of my lack of evidence skill wise I will probably start out as an apprentice. However that only means that I will have the great pleasure of proving my skills to you I have designs in the works for an extremely effective automated fortress and an super stealthy secret base.
  14. Application for the Guild: Minecraft Name-gre7 Rp Name-Calith Daratrine Age-That is none of your concern Race-Elven Where do you live?-In Laurelin What have you done in your past (old guild?) I served faithfully as a Royal Guard to Princess Sythra until that swine of a man Amroth disbanded the guard. Prefer Sword or bow?- I am a swordsman Quick question- Do the Silverblades uphold high moral standards? For Calith will do ANYTHING to accomplish his goals.
  15. Many of Princess Sythra's friends are jealous she has guards and they don't I think he may have to recruit quite a bit more.
  16. Make way for the new Royal Guard to Princess Sythra!

  17. I think I will join once Aegis moves to 2.0.
  18. Applications MC name: gre7 IC name: Calith Daratrine Swordsmanship skill level: 46 Archery skill level: Sadly my Marksmanship has been neglected and is only level 15. It is one of the skills I am currently working on Why you want to be a Royal Guard: I am very good friends with Royal Lieutenant Maximas and he urged me to apply. If possible I would like to assist him in protecting Princess Sythra. Have you been in any sort of trouble with Laurelin or other nations? If yes please state what nation and why: No Sir! Other Information: Like Lieutenant Maximas I also am currently employed in another guild. Like him I will not always be available. I need a new computer it is making it very hard for me to fight effectively I will be getting one soon.
  19. What is it the lotus tries to do exactly? Just write books and do other random things?
  20. This would be a great part time job for me. However I am not a talented builder; my talent lays in my redstone engineering skills. Do you hire Redstone Engineers? Please PM me the answer for I probably will forget about this post.
  21. My plans are complete! I now have blueprints for a PERFECT fortress!

  22. Now I have reached the White Raven's Base...all there is to do now is get a class, and then a job.

  23. How do I know these mines won't be completly empty like every other mine I have gone to?
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