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Status Updates posted by gre7

  1. Role playing a child, and so far it's pretty swell.

  2. I think it was down. D:

  3. Ya I just finished and posted a really good one. It took me lots of time and I should get accepted

  4. gre7

    Hi sorry to bother you. I kind of messed up and posted my application twice, because my computer was lagging so badly I didn't think I had posted it the first time. I really worked hard on it and just wanted to to ask if you could review it, because I waited to post it and the double posting is my computers fault. Thanks :D

  5. You inspire me. Have become part of the application team and flourish by manipulating those around you. Apparently you haven't made any enemies either, because there aren't any rage comments on your page.

  6. ....You got me set up underneath your capitol building yourself. Lol do you have short term memory loss?

  7. gre7

    It was an honor to duel with you sir. Even if we weren't able to finish it.

  8. I have returned... again.

  9. Kvothe=Calith's bad-ass archenemy

  10. I found your humble abode....

  11. Maximas and Calith need to see each other again ASAP. I have a surprise for him.

  12. Lol it's fine I haven't been on much either. I think I'm going to try to create a new character again.

  13. New character and another chance, lets hope I can get some good RP this time.

  14. The server is down again, hate this.

  15. Is the server down again?

  16. Ugh! I was in the middle of something important when the server went down, come back!

  17. My friend gets poisoned, so I go sprinting off to find a healer.....and CRASH, the whole thing is ruined.

  18. I understand why we need server restarts, but doesn't make them any less annoying.

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