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Status Replies posted by gre7


  2. Toasted waffle honey expired SO I ATE THE WAFFLE ANYWAY WITHOUT HONEY

  3. I'm doing free forum title changes due to our downtime(s) ^^ Comment with your wish for the title and thou shall receive! :]

  4. Anyone a good builder or skin maker? Im looking for some for a personal project ;)

    1. gre7


      I have talents with redstone, but not much with building.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Taking an indefinite break from LOTC for a combination of reasons, but mainly because of out of character disputes and a general frustration with the community. I most likely won't be back for a few months. If someone wants to play an impersonator, feel free to do so. I'll check the forum occasionally for messages.

    1. gre7


      *Throws a poisoned knife into Kvothe's chest

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Was almost a slave. But was spared. Thank ye Sythra.

  7. 2 day 'til B-DAY!

  8. 8 days 'til B-day!

  9. just raided a elven village :D

  10. Way Villains are coming about there won't be normal players left, we need better guards out there

  11. Kal'Urguan may have fallen, but the Dwarven people have not. Take heart my stubby little friends, you will have your chance for revenge soon enough.

    1. gre7


      How in the world did they mange to take it?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  12. *Sighs "With all the killing of characters it almost seems like Calith will be the only character left after the map changes."

    1. gre7


      Great....I get to share the new world with Ashur.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. Wow, lots of characters are dying :S

  14. The White Ravens have accepted me. Now all that there is left to do is find someone to get me to their base.

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