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Posts posted by gre7

  1. I would find it appropriate that we can do both, at the same time! Perhaps these less fortunate beings could help us as well, if they wish. *smiles*

    A strong house stands proud. It will bear many storms and resist the tests of time. However a weak house may fall over at a moments notice, which may hurt the occupants inside, and definitively leave them without any shelter at all. Laurelin should be on war footing. The Undead march ever closer. Many of our friends and allies have been devastated by the recent attacks, and their defenses were much stronger then ours.Why do we think that if we leave things the way they are it will be any different for us?

  2. I believe the majority of you are neglecting that undead can, and will find a way around your walls. Either ghasts coming in, Or lightning striking undead into the heart of Laurelin. You need to not strengthen Laurelin itself. But you must strengthen your position in Laurelin. There are 3 key factors to warfare.


    How well are your troops trained, How good, tactically, are your leaders. Do they believe, what they are fighting for, is correct. Now since, Aegis has a common enemy i would say that they do believe what they are fighting for. But you must now look at the skill of your troops and leaders, Your army is relatively small and well trained, Laurelin however is a huge place. Firstly you will need to recruit more men into your ranks, Or call in the aid of other Nations.


    This one, in Laurelin and in all Nations, Will be the turning point in the battle. Al'khazar believed it was safe because of its mighty walls and huge army. That may have been some help, however when the undead appeared in the middle of Al'khazar, There was nothing anyone could do, Because the military, had lost there strong position. The walls. And once the keep fell to the same equation, the battle was lost. Laurelin has weak walls, agreed. However these will not matter. Laurelin in itself has a fairly defensive position that it can keep throughout the battle. You must use this.


    Deception, although because of the size of the undead army will not be on their minds. It MUST be on yours. Laurelin has a small army, It must appear large and strong in order to make the undead think twice about sending in their overlords, Since, if the Overlord is in any chance of danger, I doubt they will send them in. Or if they do it will not be at a active role at the front. You must deceive the enemy on your position, If they know you are on the walls. The overlords will call down undead behind you. You must deceive them into thinking you are near, But you are really far.

    My Analysis

    Alright so, Laurelin must learn to grow flexible. They must use the trees as best they can. Create wooden platforms for archers, And defensive bunkers at the trunks for swordsmen. Laurelin is too big for everyone to cover. However if the army is flexible and uses the trees towards their advantage, You have a strong position that can never be taken away unlike the walls of Al'Khazar. You must deceive your enemy into thinking one thing, So they shall place their army exactly, where you want that army to be. Lets call it, a killing zone. You must also strengthen your army, Laurelin will not be able to do this alone. Call in the aid of other Nations, and make sure this is organised by your leaders. Plan in advance. Or Laurelin will fall to the same failed tactics as Al'Khazar and Alras did.

    ((*Falls down and starts worshiping one of the only people here who has any sense)) I completely agree with all of what you said however another key thing in war is information. If we can learn all of the enemy's: ability, numbers, and plan of attack it will be virtually impossible for the Undead to use their most effective weapon...the element of surprise.

  3. all of you need to stop, we of the council, including me, have been preparing in ways im not going to disclose, i used to have traps rigged all around the city in the early days of the attacks, but they have been dismantled due to NOT BEING NEEDED!! these weak points you call them, are a funnel, they come in via those entrances if all the elfs listen they are running in blade after blade, this city will not fall to the Undead scum, i have battled them for i cant recall how many years, i know there tactics they are very predictable. steel yourselves worry about gathering arrows and gear for the battle, not your homes, there are still many ways we can defend this city, more walls, means less ways we can get out if things turn around.

    In that case if you truly believe you are prepared I will leave this matter the way it is.

  4. I think some of you have been around humans or dwarves for much too long. They hide behind walls and buildings of rock and mortar to provide them safety. Elves do not. The forest provides sanctuary and cover. Trees may whither and burn, but it takes one to set such ablaze and they make a good target for our archers.

    Do not worry about holding ground, give it, but make the enemy pay for every pace they they step forward. Homes are merely material, some of you are much older then I and should know this already. They can be rebuilt elsewhere if needed. All that matters is being swift when the time requires it.

    Many think the undead's greatest power is their destruction. It is not. Where is the undead now? We haven't seen them at our cities in over a decade now. Instead they try to tempt us to their shadow. Temptation is their greatest threat. Resist it and Malinor will persevere.

    Do not worry of fortifications. As Al'khazar has shown, you'd merely be building your own coffin.

    Princess I must disagree and please excuse me for saying so, but some of the things you said didn't make much sense. The better our defenses are the more the enemy will be forced to pay in order to advance. Al'khazar has only shown that the human's defenses were not sufficient. That only means that ours must be better. On another note if the city is attacked where can the citizens flee to if they cannot fight? We must have at least a central area where all of our non-combatants can be relatively safe.

  5. yes, the princess... they are the problem. oh yea, and the trees outside the walls, they block the range of our arrows...

    You are correct the Archers need clear vantage point from which they can view the enemy. With the trees there the enemy can advance almost without having to worry about the archers trying to target them for the archers can't even see them.

  6. We all agree that we need more defenses, the only problem is that the Princes don't. They feel that the defenses are sufficient enough to ward off attackers. It is them whom you need to convince.

    Is that not the point of a poll? I created this in order to show them how much the public fears for it's safety, because of the lack of defenses. Once I acquire more votes and maybe some opinions from Their Royal Highness's will I attempt to bring it up the problem in person.

  7. Of course it is nessesary! Why do you think I started that topic in the first place?!

    Sorry about that. To me it sounded like you had given up even though I now see you have not. So let us band together and convince this great kingdom invest its time wisely. We must either prepare ourselves to stand against the tides of evil or push forward and attack the enemy where it is weakest.

  8. MC Name: gre7

    RP Name: Calith Daratrine

    How experienced do you THINK you are with redstone?(Preferably a non-biased opinion) I feel that I a reasonably skilled redstone technician. I specialize in traps and have created few very effective original traps that are virtually undiscovered.

    Any links to redstone devices you've made before and documented(Screenshots/Video). Sadly screen shots would not be enough to explain my traps for they often are very complex. As for video if I tried to do anything like that my horrible computer will crash. Although I am getting a new one soon.

    Why do you wish to join the guild? I wish to earn minas by doing something that I love making traps that can kill a full battalion of men if you don't know how to bypass it. I know, because of my lack of evidence skill wise I will probably start out as an apprentice. However that only means that I will have the great pleasure of proving my skills to you

    I have designs in the works for an extremely effective automated fortress and an super stealthy secret base. icon_e_ugeek.gif

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