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Posts posted by gre7

  1. Application for the Guild:

    Minecraft Name-gre7

    Rp Name-Calith Daratrine

    Age-That is none of your concern


    Where do you live?-In Laurelin

    What have you done in your past (old guild?) I served faithfully as a Royal Guard to Princess Sythra until that swine of a man Amroth disbanded the guard.

    Prefer Sword or bow?- I am a swordsman

    Quick question- Do the Silverblades uphold high moral standards? For Calith will do ANYTHING to accomplish his goals.

  2. *You see a message posted on a message board inside Laurelin.

    To all citizens of our fair city

    I feel that the defenses of Laurelin are a problem that must be addressed. To put it bluntly in most places it is very weak. Our outer defenses only consist of: One bridge and a wall over a moat which is fairly easy to get out of. A regular army would have only a few minor problems to overcome these defenses and an army of Undead would sweep right through it. I understand that for years they have not been a threat to Laurelin however it is not hard to see that Iblee's taint is constantly moving South. We have been blessed with the time to ready ourselves unlike many and we should make good use of it.


    Royal Guard Calith Daratrine

    ((If we compare ourselves to Alras and Kal'Urgan we look extremely weak))

  3. (the 'Entire' Vanguard at that point was one person, we get many to apply, but hardly any to follow through with the IC interview to actually join, and even less to stick around

    Though most of them are offline due to the Holidays

    As for Amroth, he was with or around the invaders when my character spoke to him. He better have a REALLY REALLY good reason to why he didn't try to protect her from them, she was forced to flee instead)

    I am sorry I was not there to protect the princess. If Amroth really is a traitor I will kill him myself. However with Amroth gone the Royal Guard will have no leader. What will happen to us?

  4. *Calith notices how the man is being ignored and approaches him. "Hail friend" he says with a warm handshake. I am Calith Daratrine a Royal Guard and I used to be a hunter like you. You should consider using the skills you gained in the wild and enlist to help protect the Royalty of the Holy Princedom ((Look For Royal Guard under Guilds))

  5. Applications

    MC name: gre7

    IC name: Calith Daratrine

    Swordsmanship skill level: 46

    Archery skill level: Sadly my Marksmanship has been neglected and is only level 15. It is one of the skills I am currently working on

    Why you want to be a Royal Guard: I am very good friends with Royal Lieutenant Maximas and he urged me to apply. If possible I would like to assist him in protecting Princess Sythra.

    Have you been in any sort of trouble with Laurelin or other nations? If yes please state what nation and why: No Sir!

    Other Information: Like Lieutenant Maximas I also am currently employed in another guild. Like him I will not always be available. I need a new computer it is making it very hard for me to fight effectively I will be getting one soon.

  6. Would be awesome to keep all the stuff, but hey, It's not mine to keep. Earned all my stuff by getting all dem' minas from all those dirty pigmen. (and some really underpriced diamonds from a contact in Alras :P)

    Is there anyway I could get in on that deal?

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