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Posts posted by gre7

  1. Minecraft Name: gre7

    RP Name: Calith Daratrine

    Why do you wish to join The White Ravens? Your goals, and mine are one and the same. Also its pretty lonely by yourself out in the wilderness.

    Are you against the Undead? Why? They killed my parents.....

    What skills do you bring to The White Ravens? How will these help us? I am a fairly high level swordsman. I love the bow, but I am not a very high level. My most valuable skill is my ability to make devastating redstone traps. I even have one specifically designed to defend against an Undead attack.

    Do you understand and agree with all of our rules? Yes Sir!

  2. Minecraft Name:

    gre7<br style="color: rgb(145, 147, 144); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">RP Name:

    Calith Daratrine<br style="color: rgb(145, 147, 144); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">Why do you want to join the White Ravens?:

    My characters goals are almost exactly the same as their own.

    <br style="color: rgb(145, 147, 144); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">Are you against the Undead? Why?:

    They murdered my parents

    What skills will you bring to the White Ravens and how will they help us?

    I am skilled redstone technician specializing in traps and I am not to bad in combat<br style="color: rgb(145, 147, 144); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">

    Do you understand and agree to all of our rules?

    Yes, but do any of those rules apply to our enemies? Can I cheat, kill, and steal from them?

  3. MC Name: gre7<br style=color: rgb(164, 166, 162); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); "><br style="color: rgb(164, 166, 162); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">RP Name: Calith Daratrine<br style="color: rgb(164, 166, 162); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); "><br style="color: rgb(164, 166, 162); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">How experienced do you THINK you are with redstone?<br style="color: rgb(164, 166, 162); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">I think I am great with redstone. I specialize in traps and mechanics. What I do not know I am willing to learn <br style="color: rgb(164, 166, 162); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">Any links to redstone devices you've made before and documented(Screenshots/Video).<br style="color: rgb(164, 166, 162); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">I would love to send links, but sadly the server where I created all of my inventions was recently shut down. mellow.gif<br style="color: rgb(164, 166, 162); font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, 'Trebuchet MS', sans-serif, Georgia, Courier, 'Times New Roman', serif; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(38, 37, 35); ">

  4. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: gre7

    -How old are you?: 13 years of age.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:PST/U.S.A

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe I do.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a 13 year old middle school student and my favorite pass when I get back from school is to play Minecraft. Just recently I have discovered RP servers and have taken a interest. This one seems like the best.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 6-12 hours

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: Around a year.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: It is where you create a character and you act as your character would act if everything that happened in the server is all real. You also must factor in their past history, (which you also create) such as a character who had his mother killed by Orks probably wouldn't have one as a best friend.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Challenging, because its not easy to start over in a world with this many people.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I used to play on RandomQ's Anarchy Server until it started running out of people and I left. I intend to do much less killing on here then I did there.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yep they all look good.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: There are more then 4 races in Aegis. There are Human, Dwarf, Elf, Ork, Undead and Asended.

    -How did you hear about us?: A completely random internet search that wasn't even Minecraft related. You guys look awesome.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: gre7


    -Character Name: Calith Daratrine

    -What is your Race?: Elf with a sub-race of Wood Elf.

    -Biography: Calith Daratrine was born into a family of fairly successful actors in Laurelen. For that reason, Calith was exposed to the arts at an early age and he fell in love with them. For most of his early childhood Calith could be found: imitating people, creating his own plays and, reading anything he could get his hands on. All of these things had a great effect on Calith and he quickly found out that, like his parents, he was a very skilled actor.

    His parents sent him off to an academy where he was to study acting and he learned quickly but he found that acting was not the other thing that the academy taught. The academy wasn’t only famous for acting it also had a reasonable reputation for: redstone engineering, acting, swimming, and archery. Calith was very happy to find that out, because he had found himself with lots of time when he only took his acting class. So he decided to use some of his extra his time to enroll in other subjects. After he had made his decision he decided to scout out which subject he wanted to learn. First he tried redstone and became immensely interested. Then he tried swimming, but didn’t find it to his taste. Then he was left with archery and he found he wasn’t to bad at it. He was content with his 3 subjects and worked hard to master them all.

    Everything went well for Calith until the day he graduated the academy. When he was jubilantly celebrating with his closest friends his city was being razed by the undead. Calith lost everything: his wealth, his family, and his confidence. It devastated him, and he sunk into a deep depression. He was not the happy generous young man that he had once been and those that he considered to be his closest friends started feeling uncomfortable around him him. They eventually stopped visiting. It was then that Calith truly lost all hope. His faith in humanity was gone and he began to use his advanced acting skills to con people out of their money. He then proceeded to blow all of the money that he stole on ale; in an attempt to drink himself back into a happy place even if it only lasted for a short time. He slowly went into a downward spiral, he was in and out of jail. Until the day that his life became much worse; he attempted to murder his landlord, who he owed much money to. He was quickly locked in the dungeons and was to be hanged the next day. Luckily Calith had been in this jail cell before, during the other times he had been arrested, and the last time he was there loosened the bars blocking the window.In a matter of hours he had escaped and was running into the forest. He ran and ran as fast as he could until he could go no further. He was sick and he knew it. He tried to find shelter, but he was to tired and it was no use. He passed out under the trees.

    When he awoke he found himself laying in a warm bed in a nice sunlit room. He had been found and taken in by the Monks of Aegis. Calith soon found out how good life was with the monks. He was: warm, he had food, and he soon found out about the massive library kept by the druids. Calith read many of the books in there and as he read he figured saw clearly how all of his problems had started with the undead. Many of the books in the library told of their butchery and as Calith read them he mad a promise to himself. He promised to rid the world of the taint of the undead and to restore its purity. He read everything he could on the subject of the undead and he soon realized that the undead was only one of the problems that Aegis faced. The undead killed many, but many more did the people of Aegis kill themselves. The constant warfare and raiding took double the lives that the undead took. For that reason Calith didn’t only promise himself to destroy the undead, attempt stop the masive wars that kill so many. When he felt himself properly equipped, both by knowledge and skill, he set off to start a new adventure and to avenge his parents.

    -Character Age:362

    -Character Appearance: Calith is a blond haired Elf standing around 6 feet 4 inches. He has piercing blue eyes that are the best things you can identify him by when he is in disguise.

    -Character Personality: After he time with the monks he maintains a happy and generous attitude, but underneath he is cold and calculating. He believes that if you have to commit a deed such as killing one person to save a nation then it should be done.

    -Your ambitions: To beat back the Undead and unite Aegis under 1 banner.

    -Can your character read or write?: Of course how can you study at an academy if you cannot read or write.

    -Can your character mine?: Not really, but he sees at as a necessary skill and intends to work on it

    -Are you a capable builder?: He does not have great skills as a builder and he does not see it as a necessity.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes during the days that he was an outlaw he had to fight a great many people. He is a talented swordsman.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Much like mining he knows it is important, but does not yet have any great skill at it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He can: wield a bow, he is a skilled redstone engineer, and he often has used his acting skills to con people.

    -A screenshot of your skin:http://www.planetmin.../moon-assassin/

    -Other Information: I wrote so much that I am going to literally cry if this is not accepted

  5. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: gre7

    -How old are you?: 13 years of age.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:PST/U.S.A

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe I do.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a 13 year old middle school student and my favorite pass when I get back from school is to play Minecraft. Just recently I have discovered RP servers and have taken a interest. This one seems like the best.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 6-12 hours

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: Around a year.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: It is where you create a character and you act as your character would act if everything that happened in the server is all real. You also must factor in their past history, (which you also create) such as a character who had his mother killed by Orks probably wouldn't have one as a best friend.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Challenging, because its not easy to start over in a world with this many people.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I used to play on RandomQ's Anarchy Server until it started running out of people and I left. I intend to do much less killing on here then I did there.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yep they all look good.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: There are more then 4 races in Aegis. There are Human, Dwarf, Elf, Ork, Undead and Asended.

    -How did you hear about us?: A completely random internet search that wasn't even Minecraft related. You guys look awesome.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: gre7


    -Character Name: Calith Daratrine

    -What is your Race?: Elf with a sub-race of Wood Elf.

    -Biography: Calith Daratrine was born into a family of fairly successful actors in Laurelen. For that reason, Calith was exposed to the arts at an early age and he fell in love with them. For most of his early childhood Calith could be found: imitating people, creating his own plays and, reading anything he could get his hands on. All of these things had a great effect on Calith and he quickly found out that, like his parents, he was a very skilled actor.

    His parents sent him off to an academy where he was to study acting and he learned quickly but he found that acting was not the other thing that the academy taught. The academy wasn’t only famous for acting it also had a reasonable reputation for: redstone engineering, acting, swimming, and archery. Calith was very happy to find that out, because he had found himself with lots of time when he only took his acting class. So he decided to use some of his extra his time to enroll in other subjects. After he had made his decision he decided to scout out which subject he wanted to learn. First he tried redstone and became immensely interested. Then he tried swimming, but didn’t find it to his taste. Then he was left with archery and he found he wasn’t to bad at it. He was content with his 3 subjects and worked hard to master them all.

    Everything went well for Calith until the day he graduated the academy. When he was jubilantly celebrating with his closest friends his city was being razed by the undead. Calith lost everything: his wealth, his family, and his confidence. It devastated him, and he sunk into a deep depression. He was not the happy generous young man that he had once been and those that he considered to be his closest friends started feeling uncomfortable around him him. They eventually stopped visiting. It was then that Calith truly lost all hope. His faith in humanity was gone and he began to use his advanced acting skills to con people out of their money. He then proceeded to blow all of the money that he stole on ale; in an attempt to drink himself back into a happy place even if it only lasted for a short time. He slowly went into a downward spiral, he was in and out of jail. Until the day that his life became much worse; he attempted to murder his landlord, who he owed much money to. He was quickly locked in the dungeons and was to be hanged the next day. Luckily Calith had been in this jail cell before, during the other times he had been arrested, and the last time he was there loosened the bars blocking the window.In a matter of hours he had escaped and was running into the forest. He ran and ran as fast as he could until he could go no further. He was sick and he knew it. He tried to find shelter, but he was to tired and it was no use. He passed out under the trees.

    When he awoke he found himself laying in a warm bed in a nice sunlit room. He had been found and taken in by the Monks of Aegis. Calith soon found out how good life was with the monks. He was: warm, he had food, and he soon found out about the massive library kept by the druids. Calith read many of the books in there and as he read he figured saw clearly how all of his problems had started with the undead. Many of the books in the library told of their butchery and as Calith read them he mad a promise to himself. He promised to rid the world of the taint of the undead and to restore its purity. He read everything he could on the subject of the undead and he soon realized that the undead was only one of the problems that Aegis faced. The undead killed many, but many more did the people of Aegis kill themselves. The constant warfare and raiding took double the lives that the undead took. For that reason Calith didn’t only promise himself to destroy the undead, attempt stop the masive wars that kill so many. When he felt himself properly equipped, both by knowledge and skill, he set off to start a new adventure and to avenge his parents.

    -Character Age:362

    -Character Appearance: Calith is a blond haired Elf standing around 6 feet 4 inches. He has piercing blue eyes that are the best things you can identify him by when he is in disguise.

    -Character Personality: After he time with the monks he maintains a happy and generous attitude, but underneath he is cold and calculating. He believes that if you have to commit a deed such as killing one person to save a nation then it should be done.

    -Your ambitions: To beat back the Undead and unite Aegis under 1 banner.

    -Can your character read or write?: Of course how can you study at an academy if you cannot read or write.

    -Can your character mine?: Not really, but he sees at as a necessary skill and intends to work on it

    -Are you a capable builder?: He does not have great skills as a builder and he does not see it as a necessity.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes during the days that he was an outlaw he had to fight a great many people. He is a talented swordsman.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Much like mining he knows it is important, but does not yet have any great skill at it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He can: wield a bow, he is a skilled redstone engineer, and he often has used his acting skills to con people.

    -A screenshot of your skin:http://www.planetmin.../moon-assassin/

    -Other Information: I wrote so much that I am going to literally cry if this is not accepted

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: gre7

    -How old are you?: 13 years of age.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:PST/U.S.A

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe I do.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a 13 year old middle school student and my favorite pass time is to play Minecraft on the computer when I arrive home from school. Just recently I have discovered these RP servers and have taken a interest. This yours looks awesome!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 6-12 hours

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: Around a year.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: It is where you create a character and you act as your character would act if everything that happened in the server is all real. You also must factor in their past history, (which you also create) such as a character who had his mother killed by Orks probably wouldn't have one as a best friend.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Challenging, because I like being on top and with so many people that will not be easy.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I used to play on RandomQ's Anarchy Server until it started running out of people and I left. I intend to do much less killing on here then I did there.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yep they all look good.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: There are more then 4 races in Aegis. There are Human, Dwarf, Elf, Ork, Undead and Asended.

    -How did you hear about us?: A completely random internet search that wasn't even Minecraft related. You guys look awesome.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: gre7


    -Character Name: Deor Daratrine

    -What is your Race?: Elf with a sub-race of Wood Elf.

    -Biography: Deor Daratrine was born into a family of fairly successful actors in Laurelen. For that reason, Deor was exposed to the arts at an early age and he fell in love with them. For most of his early childhood Deor could be found: imitating people, creating his own plays and, reading anything he could get his hands on. All of these things had a great effect on Roland and he quickly found out that, like his parents, he was a very skilled actor. His parents sent him off to an academy where he was to study acting and so he began to learn, but he found that acting was not the other thing that the academy taught. One of the professors was a very skilled redstone engineer and he started to take a liking to the young Roland. While Deor learned how to act like a pro he also learned how to make the most wonderful machines and he was deeply interested in both redstone mechanics and acting. Everything went well for Deor until the day he graduated the academy. When he was jubilantly celebrating with his closest friends his city was being razed by the undead. Deor lost everything: his wealth, his family, and his confidence. Deor was devastated, he sunk into a deep depression. He was not the happy generous young man that he used to be and those that he considered to be his closest friends abandoned him. It was then that Deor truly lost all hope. His faith in humanity was gone and he began to use his advanced acting skills to con people out of their money. He then proceeded to blow all of the money that he stole on ale; in an attempt to drink himself back into happiness even if it only lasted for a short time. He slowly went into a downward spiral, he was in and out of jail. Until the day that his life became much worse; he attempted to murder his landlord, who he owed much money to. He was quickly locked in the dungeons and was to be hanged the next day. Luckily Deor had been in this jail cell before and had already been working on the bars blocking the window. In a matter of hours, with the file he had concealed on his person, he had escaped and was running into the forest. He ran and ran as fast as he could until he could go no further. He was not in good health and he knew it. He tried to find shelter, but he was to tired and it was no use. He passed out under the trees. When he awoke he found himself laying in a warm bed in a nice sunlit room. He had been found and taken in by the Monks of Aegis. Deor soon found out how good life was with the monks. He was: warm, he had food, and he soon found out about the massive library kept by the druids. Deor read many of the books in there and as he read he figured saw clearly how all of his problems had started with the undead. Many of the books in the library told of their butchery and as Deor read them he mad a promise to himself. He promised to rid the world of the taint of the undead and to restore its purity. He read everything he could on the subject of the undead and he soon realized that the undead was only one of the problems that Aegis faced. The undead killed many, but many more did the people of Aegis kill themselves. The constant warfare and raiding took double the lives that the undead took. For that reason Deor didn’t only promise himself to destroy the undead, but also to unite all of Aegis, so that all of the ruinous killing would stop. When he felt himself properly equipped, both by knowledge and skill, he set off to start a new adventure.

    -Character Age:362

    -Character Appearance: He is around 6 feet 4 inches which I understand is on the shorter side for a Elf. He has pale blue piercing eyes and that is the only way one can truly identify him by when he is in disguise. Like other elves his hair is blond and his body relatively slender, so many times he has had to workout or eat more in order to make himself look more believable.

    -Character Personality: After he time with the monks he maintains a happy and generous attitude, but underneath he is cold and calculating. He believes that if you had to kill one person to save a nation then it should be done.

    -Your ambitions: To beat back the Undead and unite Aegis under 1 banner.

    -Can your character read or write?: Of course how can you study at an academy if you cannot read or write.

    -Can your character mine?: Not really, but he sees at as a necessary skill and intends to work on it

    -Are you a capable builder?: He does not have great skills as a builder and he does not see it as a necessity.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes during the days that he was an outlaw he had to fight a great many people. He is a talented swordsman.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Much like mining he knows it is important, but does not yet have any great skill at it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He can: wield a bow, he is a skilled redstone engineer, and he often has used his acting skills to con people.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    Got it.

    -Other Information: I am literally going to cry if I don’t get accepted after all of this.

  7. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: gre7

    -How old are you?: 13 years of age.

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:PST/U.S.A

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I believe I do.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I am a 13 year old middle school student and my favorite pass time is to play Minecraft on the computer when I arrive home from school. Just recently I have discovered these RP servers and have taken a interest. This yours looks awesome!

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 6-12 hours

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: Around a year.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: It is where you create a character and you act as your character would act if everything that happened in the server is all real. You also must factor in their past history, (which you also create) such as a character who had his mother killed by Orks probably wouldn't have one as a best friend.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Challenging, because I like being on top and with so many people that will not be easy.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I used to play on RandomQ's Anarchy Server until it started running out of people and I left. I intend to do much less killing on here then I did there.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yep they all look good.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: There are more then 4 races in Aegis. There are Human, Dwarf, Elf, Ork, Undead and Asended.

    -How did you hear about us?: A completely random internet search that wasn't even Minecraft related. You guys look awesome.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: gre7


    -Character Name: Deor Daratrine

    -What is your Race?: Elf with a sub-race of Wood Elf.

    -Biography: Deor Daratrine was born into a family of fairly successful actors in Laurelen. For that reason, Deor was exposed to the arts at an early age and he fell in love with them. For most of his early childhood Deor could be found: imitating people, creating his own plays and, reading anything he could get his hands on. All of these things had a great effect on Roland and he quickly found out that, like his parents, he was a very skilled actor. His parents sent him off to an academy where he was to study acting and so he began to learn, but he found that acting was not the other thing that the academy taught. One of the professors was a very skilled redstone engineer and he started to take a liking to the young Roland. While Deor learned how to act like a pro he also learned how to make the most wonderful machines and he was deeply interested in both redstone mechanics and acting. Everything went well for Deor until the day he graduated the academy. When he was jubilantly celebrating with his closest friends his city was being razed by the undead. Deor lost everything: his wealth, his family, and his confidence. Deor was devastated, he sunk into a deep depression. He was not the happy generous young man that he used to be and those that he considered to be his closest friends abandoned him. It was then that Deor truly lost all hope. His faith in humanity was gone and he began to use his advanced acting skills to con people out of their money. He then proceeded to blow all of the money that he stole on ale; in an attempt to drink himself back into happiness even if it only lasted for a short time. He slowly went into a downward spiral, he was in and out of jail. Until the day that his life became much worse; he attempted to murder his landlord, who he owed much money to. He was quickly locked in the dungeons and was to be hanged the next day. Luckily Deor had been in this jail cell before and had already been working on the bars blocking the window. In a matter of hours, with the file he had concealed on his person, he had escaped and was running into the forest. He ran and ran as fast as he could until he could go no further. He was not in good health and he knew it. He tried to find shelter, but he was to tired and it was no use. He passed out under the trees. When he awoke he found himself laying in a warm bed in a nice sunlit room. He had been found and taken in by the Monks of Aegis. Deor soon found out how good life was with the monks. He was: warm, he had food, and he soon found out about the massive library kept by the druids. Deor read many of the books in there and as he read he figured saw clearly how all of his problems had started with the undead. Many of the books in the library told of their butchery and as Deor read them he mad a promise to himself. He promised to rid the world of the taint of the undead and to restore its purity. He read everything he could on the subject of the undead and he soon realized that the undead was only one of the problems that Aegis faced. The undead killed many, but many more did the people of Aegis kill themselves. The constant warfare and raiding took double the lives that the undead took. For that reason Deor didn’t only promise himself to destroy the undead, but also to unite all of Aegis, so that all of the ruinous killing would stop. When he felt himself properly equipped, both by knowledge and skill, he set off to start a new adventure.

    -Character Age:362

    -Character Appearance: Deor is around 6 feet 2 inches with brown hair and pale blue eyes.

    -Character Personality: After he time with the monks he maintains a happy and generous attitude, but underneath he is cold and calculating. He believes that if you had to kill one person to save a nation then it should be done.

    -Your ambitions: To beat back the Undead and unite Aegis under 1 banner.

    -Can your character read or write?: Of course how can you study at an academy if you cannot read or write.

    -Can your character mine?: Not really, but he sees at as a necessary skill and intends to work on it

    -Are you a capable builder?: He does not have great skills as a builder and he does not see it as a necessity.

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes during the days that he was an outlaw he had to fight a great many people. He is a talented swordsman.

    -Enjoy Farming?: Much like mining he knows it is important, but does not yet have any great skill at it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He can: wield a bow, he is a skilled redstone engineer, and he often has used his acting skills to con people.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    This is him in just a general disguise I haven't yet gotten around to making a skin for him.

    -Other Information: I am literally going to cry if I don’t get accepted after all of this.

  8. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: gre7

    -How old are you?:13

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence:PDT/U.S.A

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: I truly hope so.

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I come home from school and the first thing I think of is Minecraft, so I hop on my computer and begin to play.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?: 6-12 hours

    -How long have you played Minecraft?: Around a year.

    -What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?: It is where you create a character and you act as your character would act if this was all real.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: Challenging, because I like being on top and with so many people that will not be easy.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: I used to play on RandomQ's Anarchy Server until it started running out of people and I left. I intend to do much less killing on here then I did there.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yep.

    -Name the 4 races on this server: There are more then 4 there are Human, Dwarf, Elf, Ork, Undead and Asended.

    -How did you hear about us?: A completely random internet search that wasn't even Minecraft related. You guys look awesome.

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: gre7


    -Character Name: Balez

    -What is your Race?: Elf

    -Biography: I read that you may have a underdeveloped character and still have access, so that is what I shall do. One day Balez woke up in a crater surrounded by a forest. His whole body was burned especially his face and he could remember nothing. The only thing he could find to even hint at his true identity was a small scrap of singed paper in his pocket that read "nd Balez H". The rest of the words before and after his new found name were to hard to make out. Balez eventually began wandering in the forest until he came to a small settlement and this is where the true story begins. To Be Continued

    -Character Age:30

    -Character Appearance: Scared by his burned and ashamed of it. He hides his face.

    -Character Personality: Quiet, and solemn. He sees how messed up the world is and wants to right it, but his ultimate goal is to learn his true identity.

    -Your ambitions: To Learn and change the world

    -Can your character read or write?: He reads, but he does not know how he learned

    -Can your character mine?: If necessary.

    -Are you a capable builder?: He does not have great skills as a builder

    -Can you wield a sword?: Yes

    -Enjoy Farming?: He can, but he finds no joy in it.

    -Does your character have any special skills?: He is a skilled bowman and is very creative.

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    Got it.

    -Other Information: I posted this before I should have, because I am leaving on a youth group retreat on Friday and will be gone for the whole weekend. I just wanted to get it out of the way and I really don't care if you don't Accept or Deny me until the 2 days are up.

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