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Posts posted by Shashra

  1. Out-Of-Character:

    Minecraft Account Name:


    Did you attend minecon and sign up at the LOTC booth?:

    no, I didn't happen to eb there at the time, or I would have.

    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Pacific -8:00 GMT

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    yes I live in america, so i shouldn't have any problems, might use slang every now and then though....not often

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    Just your average teenager. I've always loved to play minecraft, and I'm hoping to actually find a good roleplay server.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Depends, if I like the server probably 4 to 7 hours on the weekdays

    What do you know about Roleplaying? What is it?:

    Here's a technical term for roleplaying, roleplaying is when you play and act like a character that is not you, you interact with others and lead your character to salvation. and make choices for your character, simply, play another life.

    In your own Words, describe what Metagaming and Powergaming are:

    umm...adding too much power to your character or doing things not possible for your character. Metagaming is when you use info gained from ooc and use it in IC, Example:

    Out-Of-Character: Let's go and steal stuff from the elven food supply

    In-Character: be waiting there

    or using a persons name you have not asked. You have to gain the information legitimately.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    I'm expecting much from this server, hoping to actually find my roleplay server, that won't shut down, that has amazing roleplayers, and so on.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    many others but I only remember the name of one, kingdom of Aeonis. reason why: I was shirked what i deserved, I had worked so hard to obtain, and the very leader appointed me to it, to be lord, but people said "screw what he said" and gave the leadership to a half pint roleplayer that only counts building towards anything.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:


    How did you hear about us?:

    I found you, and some guy on another rp server was shouting about you as well, and pm'ing everybody...

    Have you voted for the Lord of the Craft on Minestatus? Which vote number were you?:

    I didn't get a vote number....seriously, I didn't, just threw me to the main page....

    What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?:



    Character Name:


    What is your Race?:


    Biography(This should include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    I am Shashra, and this is my journal, I recently got a hold of this, and now i'm writing my story. I am a young elf, exactly 150 years old, still considered a child, but, I have seen far too much. I'm living with a new family, my mother and father dead, I still remember the day when they died, like it was yesterday...

    I lost my parents at the very beginning of the war, under the first attack of the undead, I woke to a loud scream and i hurried downstairs, thinking maybe a spider got in the house, they never let me get near those things, and i found them quite intrigueing, but I was young. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw something much MUCH worse then a spider,two undead, one had a bloody blade in his hand, and my mothers guts were spilling out, blood was squirting everywhere, and my fathers head was rolling on the floor. The undead heard my gasp and looked and saw me, they snickered an evil glint was in their eyes, and the one with the blade said

    "well well, an elven boy, what luck!" and his hand started glowing, so i ran, and I heard a loud explosion behind me, I ran up the stairs, and through the window, I shattered the glass and I received cuts everywhere, but I kept running, and running, and running, I ran until my legs gave out on me, and there I lied, for 50 years. The seasons passed, winter froze me, but I still lived, in spring tall grass surrounded me, and rivers flowed rapidly pass me, in summer the sun scorched me, and in fall the leaves covered me. But I lived on, the undead did not find me, and there I lied, 50 years I cried.

    Now that I think about it I'm amazed at how much I cried, I cried enough tears to make a river or three, odd how i could have so much water in my system...well, anyways let's continue.

    After 50 years I realized, my parents, friends, and family were gone, and there was nothing I could do about it, and so I wandered for years, and fled whenever I saw an undead swordwielder, that's what I called them. I wandered for years, a deep misery always clearly visible in my eyes, and people attempted to steer clear of me, they could sense the growing rage inside me, the quiet and scared boy was soon to be gone, replaced with an enraged child who's out to end all undead's lives, permanently.

    Months passed and my rage boiled over and finally I exploded, I charged into the dark forest recklessly, unarmed and unarmored, I charged in and ran at the green eyed undead, but as soon as I swung my punch, the beast disappeared, I looked around frantically and heard a soft whisper behind my back, the voice was childish and cold, no remorse, no happiness, just a cruel darkness pervaded his breathe.

    "what a foolish boy, attacking ME, keh-heh-heh" I looked frantically behind me to find nothing.

    "so the boy wants to fight does he? how funny" directly behind me again, and I heard a background sound, the sound of somethign dark ebbing into creation. I looked behind me quickly to see nothing, and I heard the voice yet again.

    "Fighting alone was what ended your life, boy, but I realize, you expected to beat ME al-" I looked behind me before the beast disappeared, but I swear he read my mind, he was gone, and the voice talked directly behind me again, the cold, rasping, heartless voice, and suddenly, I freezed, I couldn't move a muscle

    "Oh how I'll enjoy torturing you boy, you interrupted me, NOBODY interrupts ME" I saw the creature again, his arms were long and slender, his legs taller then his body but 1/10 of their width, and his head had two glowing green eyes atop them, and dark energy radiated from him, but I could not see any details, the forest was too dark, he just appeared as a black silhoutte.

    "Coming to fight me unarmed was suicidal boy, why? Did you WANT to die?" I struggled trying to break the invisible bonds that held me in place

    "nobody ever breaks from my spell boy, stop trying to fight it, you, your quite the specimen of an elf, ah-hah-hah." a sharp pain cumulated right in the middle of my forehead like an arrow hit it.

    "I told you to stop, you'll destroy yourself boy, it'd be a shame to kill you, I'd love to preserve your body in a vat, ah-hah-hack!" black blood suddenly blasted from the undeads back and an inhuman scream resonated from him, and I was broken from my bonds, I looked up just in time to see a blade whiz right towards me, blade first, I sidestepped and the blade dug itself into the tree trunk behind me, I pulled the blade from the tree and charged at the monster.

    "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NO ONE BREAKS FROM MY SPELL!" suddenly his voice deepened and his size increased significantly, he grew twice my size and disappeared, but I knew the monsters pattern, I threw the blade behind me and I heard the monsters inhuman scream once again, I looked behind me to see the blade had gone straight through his body, blood splattered the tree trunk behind him, I ran up as the monster struggled to stand, grabbed the blade, and went to bring the blade up through the beasts head, then, before I realized it, a black arrow was in the monsters head, blood splattered over my face. The undead collapsed and his body disappeared, leaving behind a strange orb, my blade, and two black arrows, darkness swirled inside the orb, it was strangely mesmerizing, so I grabbed it, nothing amazing happened, so i kept the thing as a trophy, grabbed the blade, and left the arrows, and the forest. When I got out two elves were waiting. A man, and a woman.

    "remarkable my good-boy, quite truly remarkable, you took down that monster with little help, remarkable. That monster is called an endermen, well, at least that's what i call them, they are new minions of that demon sealed in the nether. But they're not from this world, or his, I can just tell. But...that was a strangely intelligent one....well anyways, would you be willing to travel with us?" Normally I would have said no, but I was still miserable from my parents loss, these elves were significantly older then me, I hoped they could fill the gap the death of my parents created.

    It's been 10 years since we met, and they quickly began treating me as a child, but not every other child. The female elf was named Vulnlirravern, she asked me to just call her Vulnli, and the male elf was called Alorlirraverer, he asked me to just call him Raven. The mother is amazing with the bow, but she never used black arrows, which led me to believe, someone saved me, and it wasn't them, and then they got me parents....it...seemed...extremely odd, but these 10 years have been the second most happiest time of my life!

    Your characters ambitions:

    figure out who wields the black arrows.

    Out in the Wilds, your character comes across a small cottage. Outside, there appears to be an elf struggling combat with two bandits. What does your character do?:

    Unarmed, Shashra runs into the two bandits, knocking them aside, and grabs a stick, the men laugh and Shashra charges at them smacking their heads together, knocking them out without even using the stick. Then I would ask a few questions to the elf, and if he knew anything about the black arrow, casually.

    Your character walks up to a shop in the middle of Al'Khazar. "Hello, my good sir!" says the shop owner. "What may I help you with today?" How does your character answer?:

    I need information, you have any? If so, I will pay. Also...maybe that nice shiny blade back there...ohh, maybe that enchanting table and potion stand, or, ACK, forget what I said, what information do you have?

    A screenshot of your skin:20111206201552.png

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    Other Information:

    Out-Of-Character information: that last application I had was not meant to be there, so i don't count it towards the two days ((I don't know how that happened don't even remember writing that...and posting it, my comp crashed before I finished it))

    In-Character information: Despite Shashra's often recklessness he has a bad habit of sneaking about where he should not be, not often does he get caught. ((not metagaming, this might change on this server, but in my last server I was very good at sneaking around and gaining valuable tidbits of information.))

  2. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: woodhoda

    -How old are you?:16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT -8:00 USA Pacific time

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Just your average teenager. I've always loved to play minecraft, and I'm hoping to actually find a good rpleplay server.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:maybe...5, 6 or 7 hours, depends upon the week, varies often.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: since Alpha.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: roleplayiing like warcraft III Loap, D&D, several mc rp servers, etc. My idea of Roleplaying is you play as your character, you don't just do roles, and many rp servers say, here, your a miner. and leave it at that.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I'm expecting much from this server, hoping to actually find my roleplay server, that won't shut down.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: about several other servers, they either shutdown or, well, was filled with fake roleplayers, just....I'll leave it at that.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:yes and the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. elves orcs dwarves and humans

    -How did you hear about us?:I found this in the forums, here.

    -Did you vote?:yes

    -What was your favourite Law?:you must keep in character

    -What was your least favourite Law?: having to use the character skins, I have my own, and I like it....and I can't edit skins

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Shashra


    -Character Name:Shashra the lost one

    -What is your Race?: whichever race is at their least (smallest(not orc)

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Shashra

    -Biography: Shashra is..unstable. For Shashra has seen many a thing he shouldn't have. Shashra was born in what was to not be a peaceful time, this was the beginning of Iblees taint, the beginning of the great war, the war of the undead. Shashra grew up happy and oblivious. At the age of one-hundred his little world was shattered, this was the first attack of the undead.

    He woke to screaming and walked slowly downstairs to see his mothers head ripped off and his father's guts spilling from him. Then he saw them, and ran, he fled to his room looked out his window and saw his city burning, his childhood friends dying, and a slow dawning of the realization his parents were gone. Shashra saw this and looked behind him to see the beasts closing in, and he jumped out the window and ran, and ran, and ran, he ran on even when his breathe was coming in gasps, he ran even when his legs screamed at him to stop and his lungs were burning, he only stopped when his legs gave way, he only stopped when he could not run, or even take a step. Where he fell Shashra lied, tears streaming from his eyes and ragged gasps escaping from his throat as the dawning that everyone he knew everyone he cared for was gone. Shashra lied there as the rain seeped through the leaves, he lied there when the sun scorshed his skin, he still lied there mourning and crying even when the leaves were falling on him again.

    Soon his reality returned, but not the reality of peace, oh no, the reality of life, the reality that all things must die, at that moment Shashra's only goal became the lust for revenge, the rage. On that day Shashra finally rose from his despair and quickly began training with the sword and bow, Shashra made a small hut to rest in when his body demanded it, he wrote stories depicting the brief destuction that he saw of his home, wrote of his regrets, wrote of his rage. But he only wrote when he wasn't training to fight the undead and destroy the two beasts he saw. Little did he know that the original ones were long gone and the emperor dead. But he trained on and on, he fought the undead stragglers that came along, often wounded afterwards he trained harder and harder and started using his strength to get stronger materials via mining, and soon he crafted his armor, and made his own smith. His hut was never discovered.

    For many years Shashra trained on and on, his skill with the blade improved significantly and he left battles from the undead stragglers (zombies, and skeletons) with few wounds. many years later Shashra grew confident of his skills, he had fought zombies, skeletons, creepers, endermen, and creepers, and never lost a fight. On this day, Shashra decided to leave his little clearing, fully armed and armored he wandered off. On his journey a creeper came up behind Shashra and exploded, destroying his armor, knocking his sword away, and cracking Shashra's skull.

    Not long after Shashra woke up to find himself in a carriage, and his head in the lap of an elven women, with no memory, and all of Shashra's possessions gone.

    -Character Age: 169

    -Character Appearance:

    -Character Personality: A very kindhearted, and quiet elf, always out to help others any way he can.

    -Your ambitions: To be one of the kindest, most helpful person in the world.

    -Can your character read or write?: no he has forgotten how to write, he'll be able to quickly learn how to wrte again though.

    -Can your character mine?:somewhat, he can swing a pickaxe, doesn't always mean he'll get the ore.

    -Are you a capable builder?: no. He can build small cottages but otherwise he can't really build anything, he needs direction.

    -Can you wield a sword?:yes, he has it naturally honed into his body despite his memories being lost

    -Enjoy Farming?:yes (he can farm but sometimes tramples all his crops or cuts them down before they are ripe, but he just replants them)

    -Does your character have any special skills?:Yes, he has a natural talent of the sword and bow

    -A screenshot of your skin: ((I'll get this shortly, I need to wait until later for my skin to load.))

    -Other Information:He remembers little, but his memories might be triggered, or his personality suddenly changes. Bit of MPD (multiple personality disorder) when it comes to monsters.

  3. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: woodhoda

    -How old are you?:16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT -8:00 USA Pacific time

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Just your average teenager. I've always loved to play minecraft, and I'm hoping to actually find a good rpleplay server.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:maybe...5, 6 or 7 hours, depends upon the week, varies often.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: since Alpha.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: roleplayiing like warcraft III Loap, D&D, several mc rp servers, etc. My idea of Roleplaying is you play as your character, you don't just do roles, and many rp servers say, here, your a miner. and leave it at that.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I'm expecting much from this server, hoping to actually find my roleplay server, that won't shut down.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: about several other servers, they either shutdown or, well, was filled with fake roleplayers, just....I'll leave it at that.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:yes and the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. elves orcs dwarves and humans

    -How did you hear about us?:I found this in the forums, here.

    -Did you vote?:yes

    -What was your favourite Law?:you must keep in character

    -What was your least favourite Law?: having to use the character skins, I have my own, and I like it....and I can't edit skins

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Shashra


    -Character Name:Shashra the lost one

    -What is your Race?: whichever race is at their least (smallest(not orc)

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Shashra

    -Biography: I am Shashra, and this is my journal, I recently got a hold of this, and now i'm writing my story. I am a young elf, exactly 150 years old, still considered a child, but, I have seen far too much. I'm living with a new family, my mother and father dead, I still remember the day when they died, like it was yesterday...

    -Character Age: ???

    -Character Appearance:

    -Character Personality:

    -Your ambitions:

    -Can your character read or write?: yes

    -Can your character mine?:yes

    -Are you a capable builder?: no. He can build small cottages but otherwise he can't really build anything, he needs direction.

    -Can you wield a sword?:yes

    -Enjoy Farming?:yes (he can farm but sometimes tramples all his crops or cuts them down before they are ripe, but he just replants them)

    -Does your character have any special skills?:

    -A screenshot of your skin:

    -Other Information:He may gain some more stability if he finds a man even better then the one he met in the war.

  4. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: woodhoda

    -How old are you?:16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT -8:00 USA Pacific time

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Just your average teenager. I've always loved to play minecraft, and I'm hoping to actually find a good rpleplay server.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:maybe...5, 6 or 7 hours, depends upon the week, varies often.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: since Alpha.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: roleplayiing like warcraft III Loap, D&D, several mc rp servers, etc. My idea of Roleplaying is you play as your character, you don't just do roles, and many rp servers say, here, your a miner. and leave it at that.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I'm expecting much from this server, hoping to actually find my roleplay server, that won't shut down.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: about several other servers, they either shutdown or, well, was filled with fake roleplayers, just....I'll leave it at that.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:yes and the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. elves orcs dwarves and humans

    -How did you hear about us?:I found this in the forums, here.

    -Did you vote?:yes

    -What was your favourite Law?:you must keep in character

    -What was your least favourite Law?: having to use the character skins, I have my own, and I like it....and I can't edit skins

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Shashra


    -Character Name:Shashra the lost one

    -What is your Race?: whichever race is at their least (smallest(not orc)

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Shashra

    -Biography: Shashra is..unstable. For Shashra has seen many a thing he shouldn't have. Shashra was born in what was to not be a peaceful time, this was the beginning of Iblees taint, the beginning of the great war, the war of the undead. Shashra grew up happy and oblivious. At the age of twenty his little world was shattered, this was the first attack of the undead, he woke to screaming and walked slowly downstairs to see his mothers head ripped off and his father's guts spilling from him. He saw them, and ran, he fled to his room looked out his window and saw his city burning, his childhood friends dying, and a slow dawning of the realization his parents were gone. Shashra saw this and looked behind him to see the beasts closing in, and he jumped out the window and ran, and ran, and ran, he ran on even when his breathe was coming in gasps, he ran even when his legs screamed at him to stop and his lungs were burning, he only stopped when his legs gave way, he only stopped when he could not run, or even take a step. Where he fell Shashra lied, tears streaming from his eyes and ragged gasps escaping from his eyes as the dawning that everyone he knew everyone he cared for was gone. Shashra layed there as the rain seeped through the leaves, he lied there when the sun scorshed his skin, he still lied there mourning and crying even when the leaves were falling on him again. Soon his reality returned, but not the reality of peace, oh no, the reality of life, the reality that all things must die, then his only goal became the lust for revenge, the rage, on that day Shashra finally rose from his despair and quickly began training with the sword and bow, Shashra made a small hut to rest in when his body demanded it, he wrote stories depicting the brief destuction that he saw of his home, wrote of his regrets, wrote of his rage. But he only wrote when he wasn't training to fight the undead and destroy the two beasts he saw. Little did he know that the original ones were long gone and the emperor dead. but he trained on and on, he fought the undead stragglers that came along, often wounded afterwards he trained harder and harder and started using his strength to get stronger materials via mining, and soon he crafted his armor, and made his own smith. His hut was never discovered but as he mined farthur down he came across one of the small, well hidden undead bases. Shashra charged in slaying all the undead, he destroyed their foul machines and killed the wizard one on one. But he did not leave that place unscathed, he had to rest for days to heal his wounds, but those days became months and the months years. When Shashra awoke and quickly stumbled outside, he saw a young elf scutter by, the elf saw him, and startled he ran away. Shashra fell in the water and looked to see his reflection, he had become one of the very beasts he sought to destroy, an undead. He had not left unscathed, oh most certainly. He prayed to the gods to cure him of this taint, and they sent him to the very realm where the undead originated, there he fought, fought forever on, but through that time he had slowly been becoming more undead, he started losing his conscious but he held on to it ferociously. The Ascended saw his efforts and in favor of his willpower he had his curse lifted, though not entirely. In the blessing a scar in the shape of a cross marked his forehead, and his ears grew sharp, his skin slowly sew itself together, and his eyes turned purple, but his skin still remained pale , pale as a moonlit sky, and his sanity long gone. But he has amazing self control but often he gibbers on about curses, death, being undead and dark beings. His goal still remained the same, destroy the undead, so he joined the army then to find the final battle was about to take place, the men hardly took notice of his scar, or his pale skin. Shashra quickly became fiercely loyal to his commander and they charged into battle. Shashra needed minimal training due to his skill that he had already gained from his years of training, but he was not the best soldier, oh no, he was actually the average warrior, his master was an amazing warrior, and so they fought on. Shashra fought brutally showing no mercy. He fought through the spire ad slayed one of the two beasts gravely wounded the other and helped banish Iblees Shade. Then quickly as it begun the battle was over, the men shifted through the dead, searching for friends, expecting the worse but hoping for the best, as Shashra was helping the men that were stil alive on the cart Shashra suddenly heard a commotion, some gasps, and even a few sobs. Shashra thought this was strange and carefully wandered over to find his commander, the one true friend he had in the war. As he realized this Shashra sighed in despair but recounting what he learned, evrything must die one day, whether they be young old or somewhere in between. He recounted this and sighed walking slowly away he wandered off in search of another man as skilled as his commander, for what reason Shashra did not know.

    Shashra is now a wandering knight only staying for a short time. He keeps wandering in search of a man as brave and strong as the very warrior he fought beside, his commander. So Shashra wanders searching for someone to serve, his bravery amazing, but his strength highly diminished by Iblees curse as he was banished once again, all his years of training are gone and his skill with the blade and bow are now long gone. Shashra still hunts undead to this day, continuing to improve his bladesmanship yet again.

    -Character Age: ???

    -Character Appearance: a pale skinned man his ears sharp and his eyes purple, he wears a cross a red cross upon his chest. scars pockmark his face and a scar shaped as a cross centers at his forehead

    -Character Personality: unstable, insane. One second he can be calm the next raging on about things that are not "real" or "possible" despite the fact they happened to him people highly doubt it is possible.

    -Your ambitions:his only goals are to destroy the undead and find a man as brave, strong, and smart as the man he fought alongside with in the war

    -Can your character read or write?: yes

    -Can your character mine?:yes

    -Are you a capable builder?: no. He can build small cottages but otherwise he can't really build anything, he needs direction.

    -Can you wield a sword?:yes

    -Enjoy Farming?:yes (he can farm but sometimes tramples all his crops or cuts them down before they are ripe, but he just replants them)

    -Does your character have any special skills?:no not anymore, only his amazing willpower

    -A screenshot of your skin: 20111119180256.png

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    I know, horrible skin, but I can't part with it, I've grown attached to it, but if anybody would be willing to improve it let me know. please. Oh and if this isn't allowed, I will go and change into another skin...but I need somebody to edit in at least the leaf in his hair and his cross scar, and pale skin.

    -Other Information:He may gain some more stability if he finds a man even better then the one he met in the war.

  5. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: woodhoda

    -How old are you?:16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT -8:00 USA Pacific time

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Just your average teenager. I've always loved to play minecraft, and I'm hoping to actually find a good rpleplay server.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:maybe...5, 6 or 7 hours, depends upon the week, varies often.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: since Alpha.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: roleplayiing like warcraft III Loap, D&D, several mc rp servers, etc. My idea of Roleplaying is you play as your character, you don't just do roles, and many rp servers say, here, your a miner. and leave it at that.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I'm expecting much from this server, hoping to actually find my roleplay server, that won't shut down.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: about several other servers, they either shutdown or, well, was filled with fake roleplayers, just....I'll leave it at that.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:yes and the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. elves orcs dwarves and humans

    -How did you hear about us?:I found this in the forums, here.

    -Did you vote?:yes

    -What was your favourite Law?:you must keep in character

    -What was your least favourite Law?: having to use the character skins, I have my own, and I like it....and I can't edit skins

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Shashra


    -Character Name:Shashra the lost one

    -What is your Race?: whichever race is at their least (smallest(not orc)

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Shashra

    -Biography: Shashra is..unstable. For Shashra has seen many a thing he shouldn't have, he has existed within multiple realms of Aegis and his life was turned upside down by the slow taint of Iblees. Shashra existed in the ancient days years filled with obliviousness and life as simple as could be, that was until Iblees showed his true form, Shashra stared in awe and fear as he saw the beast rise, he watched his fathers as they were burned and brutully beaten. He ran, ran as fast as he could as he saw his uncles skin turn green, he ran and ran and then time stopped, he existed within a realm where time or life has little meaning, he lived in a dark world, claimed by darkness and filled with dark beings. The world he was in he did not age nor did he live, it was only a never-ending monotonous life, run, watch, run, sleep, run, watch, run, sleep and so on. He came to call these dark beings endermen, then one day his legs gave out on him, and the world darkened. Shashra woke to find himself as a young child, a baby. But this was not a peaceful time, this was the beginning of Iblees taint, the beginning of the great war, the war of the undead. Shashra grew up happy and oblivious much like his old existance, he knew not of his ancient existance but he knew peace well. but at the age of twenty his little world was shattered, this was the first attack of the undead, he woke to screaming and walked slowly downstairs to see his mothers head ripped off and his father's guts spilling from him. He saw them, and ran, he fled to his room looked out his window and saw his city burning, his childhood friends dying, and a slow dawning of the realization his parents were gone. Shashra saw this and looked behind him to see the beasts closing in, and he jumped out the window and ran, and ran, and ran, he ran on even when his breathe was coming in gasps, he ran even when his legs screamed at him to stop and his lungs were burning, he only stopped when his legs gave way, he only stopped when he could not run, or even take a step. Where he fell Shashra lied, tears streaming from his eyes and ragged gasps escaping from his eyes as the dawning that everyone he knew everyone he cared for was gone. Shashra layed there as the rain seeped through the leaves, he lied there when the sun scorshed his skin, he still lied there mourning and crying even when the leaves were falling on him again. Soon his reality returned, but not the reality of peace, oh no, the reality of life, the reality that all things must die, then his only goal became the lust for revenge, the rage, on that day Shashra finally rose from his despair and quickly began training with the sword and bow, Shashra made a small hut to rest in when his body demanded it, he wrote stories depicting the brief destuction that he saw of his home, wrote of his regrets, wrote of his rage. But he only wrote when he wasn't training to fight the undead and destroy the two beasts he saw. Little did he know that the original ones were long gone and the emperor dead. but he trained on and on, he fought the undead stragglers that came along, often wounded afterwards he trained harder and harder and started using his strength to get stronger materials via mining, and soon he crafted his won armor, made his own smith. His hut was never discovered but as he mined farthur down he came across one of the small, well hidden undead bases. Shashra charged in slaying all the undead, he destroyed their foul machines and killed the wizard one on one. But he did not leave that place unscathed, he had to rest for days to heal his wounds, but those days became months and the months years. When Shashra awoke he saw a young elf scatter by, the elf saw him, and startled he ran away. Shashra looked into the water and saw his reflections, he had become one of the ver beasts he sought to destroy, an undead. He ha dnot left unscathed, oh most certainly. He prayed to the gods to cure him of this taint, and they sent him to the very realm where the undead originated, there he fought, fought forever on, but through that time he had slowly been becoming more undead, he started losing his conscious but he held on to it ferociously. The Ascended saw his efforts and in favor of his willpower he had his curse lifted, though not entirely. In the blessing a scar in the shape of a cross marked his forehead, and his ears grew sharp, his skin slowly sew itself together, and his eyes turned purple, but his skin still remained pale , pale as a moonlit sky, and his sanity logn gone. But he has amazing self control but often eh gibbers on about crses death being undead an end and dark beings. His goal still remained the same, destroy the undead so he joined the army then to find the final battle was about to take place, the men hardly took notice of his scar, or his pale skin. Shashra quickly became fiercely loyal to his commander and they charged into battle. Shashra needed minimal trainign due to his skill that he had already gained from his years of training, but he was not the best soldier, oh no, he was actually the average warrior, his master was an amazing warrior, and so they fought on. Shashra fought brutally showing no mercy. He fought through the spire ad slayed one f the two beasts gravely wounded the other and helped banish Iblees Shade. Shashra is nw a wandering knight only staying for a short time. He keeps wandering in seacrh of a man as brave and strong as the very warrior he fought beside, his commander, he died in the banishment of Iblees Shade. So Shashra wanders searching for someone to serve, hsi bravery amazing, but his strength highly diminished by Iblees curse as he was banished once again, all his yeas of training are gone and his skill with the blade and bow are now long gone. Shashra still hunts undead to this day, continuing to improve his bladesmanship yet again.

    -Character Age: ???

    -Character Appearance: a pale skinned man his ears sharp and his eyes purple, he wears a cross a red cross upon his chest. scars pockmark his face and a scar shaped as a cross centers at his forehead

    -Character Personality: unstable, insane. One second he can be calm the next raging on about things that are not "real" or "possible" despite the fact they happened to him people highly doubt it is possible.

    -Your ambitions:his only goals are to destroy the undead and find a man as brave, strong, and smart as the man he fought alongside with in the war

    -Can your character read or write?: yes

    -Can your character mine?:yes

    -Are you a capable builder?: no. He can build small cottages but otherwise he can't really build anything, he needs direction.

    -Can you wield a sword?:yes

    -Enjoy Farming?:yes

    -Does your character have any special skills?:no not anymore, only his amazing willpower

    -A screenshot of your skin: 20111119180256.png

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    I know, horrible skin, but I can't part with it, I've grown attached to it, but if anybody would be willing to improve it let me know. please. Oh and if this isn't allowed, I will go and change into another skin...but I need somebody to edit in at least the leaf in his hair and his cross scar, and pale skin.

    -Other Information:He may gain his sanity back if he finds a man even better then the one he met in the war.

  6. Out-Of-Character:

    -Minecraft Account Name: woodhoda

    -How old are you?:16

    -Time-Zone/Country of Residence: GMT -8:00 USA Pacific time

    -Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Yes

    -Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: Just your average teenager. I've always loved to play minecraft, and I'm hoping to actually find a good rpleplay server.

    -How much time could you be on the server weekly?:maybe...5, 6 or 7 hours, depends upon the week, varies often.

    -How long have you played minecraft?: since Alpha.

    -What do you know about roleplaying? How long have you been doing it? What kind?: roleplayiing like warcraft III Loap, D&D, several mc rp servers, etc. My idea of Roleplaying is you play as your character, you don't just do roles, and many rp servers say, here, your a miner. and leave it at that.

    -What do you expect this server will be like?: I'm expecting much from this server, hoping to actually find my roleplay server, that won't shut down.

    -What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: about several other servers, they either shutdown or, well, was filled with fake roleplayers, just....I'll leave it at that.

    -Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules? What about the lore?:yes and the lore.

    -Name the 4 races on this server. elves orcs dwarves and humans

    -How did you hear about us?:I found this in the forums, here.

    -Did you vote?:yes

    -What was your favourite Law?:you must keep in character

    -What was your least favourite Law?: having to use the character skins, I have my own, and I like it....and I can't edit skins

    -What is your The Lord Of Craft forum account name?: Shashra


    -Character Name:Shashra the lost one

    -What is your Race?: whichever race is at their least (smallest(not orc)

    -Lordofthecraft.net/forum forum account: Shashra

    -Biography: Shashra is..unstable. For Shashra has seen many a thing he shouldn't have, he has existed within multiple realms of Aegis and his life was turned upside down by the slow taint of Iblees. Shashra existed in the ancient days years filled with obliviousness and life as simple as could be, that was until Iblees showed his true form, Shashra stared in awe and fear as he saw the beast rise, he watched his fathers as they were burned and brutully beaten. He ran, ran as fast as he could as he saw his uncles skin turn green, he ran and ran and then time stopped, he existed within a realm where time or life has little meaning, he lived in a dark world, claimed by darkness and filled with dark beings. The world he was in he did not age nor did he live, it was only a never-ending monotonous life, run, watch, run, sleep, run, watch, run, sleep and so on. He came to call these dark beings endermen, then one day his legs gave out on him, and the world darkened. Shashra woke to find himself as a young child, a baby. But this was not a peaceful time, this was the beginning of Iblees taint, the beginning of the great war, the war of the undead. Shashra grew up happy and oblivious much like his old existance, he knew not of his ancient existance but he knew peace well. but at the age of twenty his little world was shattered, this was the first attack of the undead, he woke to screaming and walked slowly downstairs to see his mothers head ripped off and his father's guts spilling from him. He saw them, and ran, he fled to his room looked out his window and saw his city burning, his childhood friends dying, and a slow dawning of the realization his parents were gone. Shashra saw this and looked behind him to see the beasts closing in, and he jumped out the window and ran, and ran, and ran, he ran on even when his breathe was coming in gasps, he ran even when his legs screamed at him to stop and his lungs were burning, he only stopped when his legs gave way, he only stopped when he could not run, or even take a step. Where he fell Shashra lied, tears streaming from his eyes and ragged gasps escaping from his eyes as the dawning that everyone he knew everyone he cared for was gone. Shashra layed there as the rain seeped through the leaves, he lied there when the sun scorshed his skin, he still lied there mourning and crying even when the leaves were falling on him again. Soon his reality returned, but not the reality of peace, oh no, the reality of life, the reality that all things must die, then his only goal became the lust for revenge, the rage, on that day Shashra finally rose from his despair and quickly began training with the sword and bow, Shashra made a small hut to rest in when his body demanded it, he wrote stories depicting the brief destuction that he saw of his home, wrote of his regrets, wrote of his rage. But he only wrote when he wasn't training to fight the undead and destroy the two beasts he saw. Little did he know that the original ones were long gone and the emperor dead. but he trained on and on, he fought the undead stragglers that came along, often wounded afterwards he trained harder and harder and started using his strength to get stronger materials via mining, and soon he crafted his won armor, made his own smith. His hut was never discovered but as he mined farthur down he came across one of the small, well hidden undead bases. Shashra charged in slaying all the undead, he destroyed their foul machines and killed the wizard one on one. But he did not leave that place unscathed, he had to rest for days to heal his wounds, but those days became months and the months years. When Shashra awoke he saw a young elf scatter by, the elf saw him, and startled he ran away. Shashra looked into the water and saw his reflections, he had become one of the ver beasts he sought to destroy, an undead. He ha dnot left unscathed, oh most certainly. He prayed to the gods to cure him of this taint, and they sent him to the very realm where the undead originated, there he fought, fought forever on, but through that time he had slowly been becoming more undead, he started losing his conscious but he held on to it ferociously. The Ascended saw his efforts and in favor of his willpower he had his curse lifted, though not entirely. In the blessing a scar in the shape of a cross marked his forehead, and his ears grew sharp, his skin slowly sew itself together, and his eyes turned purple, but his skin still remained pale , pale as a moonlit sky, and his sanity logn gone. But he has amazing self control but often eh gibbers on about crses death being undead an end and dark beings. His goal still remained the same, destroy the undead so he joined the army then to find the final battle was about to take place, the men hardly took notice of his scar, or his pale skin. Shashra quickly became fiercely loyal to his commander and they charged into battle. Shashra needed minimal trainign due to his skill that he had already gained from his years of training, but he was not the best soldier, oh no, he was actually the average warrior, his master was an amazing warrior, and so they fought on. Shashra fought brutally showing no mercy. He fought through the spire ad slayed one f the two beasts gravely wounded the other and helped banish Iblees Shade. Shashra is nw a wandering knight only staying for a short time. He keeps wandering in seacrh of a man as brave and strong as the very warrior he fought beside, his commander, he died in the banishment of Iblees Shade. So Shashra wanders searching for someone to serve, hsi bravery amazing, but his strength highly diminished by Iblees curse as he was banished once again, all his yeas of training are gone and his skill with the blade and bow are now long gone. Shashra still hunts undead to this day, continuing to improve his bladesmanship yet again.

    -Character Age: ???

    -Character Appearance: a pale skinned man his ears sharp and his eyes purple, he wears a cross a red cross upon his chest. scars pockmark his face and a scar shaped as a cross centers at his forehead

    -Character Personality: unstable, insane. One second he can be calm the next raging on about things that are not "real" or "possible" despite the fact they happened to him people highly doubt it is possible.

    -Your ambitions:his only goals are to destroy the undead and find a man as brave, strong, and smart as the man he fought alongside with in the war

    -Can your character read or write?: yes

    -Can your character mine?:yes

    -Are you a capable builder?: no. He can build small cottages but otherwise he can't really build anything, he needs direction.

    -Can you wield a sword?:yes

    -Enjoy Farming?:yes

    -Does your character have any special skills?:no not anymore, only his amazing willpower

    -A screenshot of your skin: 20111119180256.png

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    I know, horrible skin, but I can't part with it, I've grown attached to it, but if anybody would be willing to improve it let me know. please. Oh and if this isn't allowed, I will go and change into another skin...but I need somebody to edit in at least the leaf in his hair and his cross scar, and pale skin.

    -Other Information:He may gain his sanity back if he finds a man even better then the one he met in the war.

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